AVG Internet Security 2013 (x64 bit)
NEW! Ultimate Protection for your PC and online identity
* Award-winning virus protection for Windows x64
* Faster scan and video streaming
* Protects your identity when shopping and banking
Detects and stops viruses, threats and malware
Great easy to use protection everyone needs.
Our job is to stop viruses before they even get to your PC. We check your files before you open them, your Facebook links before you click, your email before it gets to you and your websites before you visit them.
You get: AntiVirus, AntiMalware (AVG Resident Shield), AVG Anti-Rootkit, AVG Email Scanner, AVG Protective Cloud Technology, AVG Community Protection Network, AVG LinkScanner® Surf-Shield, AVG Social Networking Protection
Helps stop, remove, and prevent the spreading of viruses, worms or trojans.
AntiMalware (AVG Resident Shield)
Protects you from malware on your PC and helps stop anything that’s infected.
AVG Anti-Rootkit
Detects and removes dangerous rootkits that hide malicious software that seeks to take control of your computer.
AVG Email Scanner
Detects infected or rogue inbound attachments so they can’t damage your PC. Works as a plug-in for email applications including Microsoft Outlook® 2010 or as a scanner for POP3, SMTP and IMAP accounts.
AVG Protective Cloud Technology
Identifies and prevents emerging threats “in the cloud” via automatic updates to your antivirus software.
AVG Community Protection Network
Instantly converts every new threat encountered by any member of our community into protection for everyone. It adds up to ever-better antivirus protection for the entire AVG community.
AVG LinkScanner® Surf-Shield
Smart prevention technology that stops you hitting infected or criminal sites. Actively checks every web page just before you click and stops you if it detects anything suspicious.
AVG Social Networking Protection
Checks the links that get exchanged when you’re on social networks such as Facebook®, Twitter® etc. to help keep you and your friends safe.
Stops unsecure links and files
Advanced protection that allows you to share files safely
There are times when it’s good to get things we’re not expecting and times when it’s not. We check files before you download and share them even when you’re instant messaging to make sure they’re safe.
You get: AVG Online Shield™
Checks files before you download them to ensure they are safe, and protects you as you exchange files using MSN and Yahoo! and ICQ.
Prevents online spam and scammers
Ultimate protection than reduces the risk of you falling prey to online scams
We all know who we want to see in our inbox. We keep a look out for those unwelcome visitors who might be phishing or pulling a scam so you can focus on the visitors you do want to see.
You get: AVG Anti-Spam
Stops spammers and scammers getting to you. Reduces your risks of falling prey to online spam by scanning and checking all your emails for suspect content and code.
Free mobile protection included
Essential protection for your Android device
We’d all be stuck without our mobile and if you use yours in anyway like you use your PC, it’s vital you protect it in the same way. So no matter what sort of PC protection you choose, you get free mobile protection as well.
You get: AVG Mobilation™ Antivirus Free for Android™
Combats viruses and malware so you can make calls, receive SMS, download music, video, and apps, and surf the web confidently, knowing you’re always kept safe.
Also helps you identify apps and settings which may slow down your phone. Plus if you ever lose your phone, it helps you find and locate it using satellite technology and can keep your personal data safe by locking or wiping it.
It’s easy to use and works on all versions of Android OS, v1.6 onwards.
AVG Internet Security 2013 (x64 bit)
Website - AVG Internet Security 2013 (x64 bit)
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