cFos IPv6 Link Windows (x64 bit) 2.53 1132
Connectivity with the new
IPv6 network
cFos IPv6 Link for Windoes x64 allows dial-up with
IPv6 for
Windows x64.
cFos IPv6 Link, configure the dial-up connection to your ISP and you're done!
cFos IPv6 Link does not only connect to the new
IPv6, but also configures the routing and IP and DNS addresses automatically.
Under XP
cFos IPv6 Link also maps IPv4-based DNS queries of
IPv6 adresses.
cFos IPv6 Link is fast. Like
cFos Broadband Connect it achieves a much higher throughput than the PPPoE driver shipped with XP/Vista/7 (with a fast enough Internet connection).
At load time cfos
IPv6 Link performs an auto-detection of the connected network devices and switches into one of the following modes:
* Router mode: If cfos
IPv6 Link detects a router or DHCPv6 server it uses this device to route data to the Internet.
* Dial-up mode: If cfos
IPv6 Link detects a PPPoE node connected to the network card (e.g. via DSL) it establishes a PPP/PPPoE connection to the Internet provider either automatically or on demand.
* Mixed mode: If cfos
IPv6 Link detects an IPv4 DHCP Server attached to the network card (regardless of other
IPv6 devices), it passes all IPv4 traffic through to this IPv4 Router.
This allows simultaneous use of IPv4 and
Windows prefers
IPv6 by first trying to resolve an address to an
IPv6 address and only uses IPv4 if no
IPv6 address is (yet) available. IPv4 is thereby a fallback for
Mixed mode is possible with routers that support "PPPoE Passthrough", e.g. Speedport. Then the IPv4 traffic travels as usual to the IPv4 provider, while
IPv6 traffic travels via PPPoE to the
IPv6 provider.
cFos IPv6 Link application was designed to provide
IPv6 Connectivity for
Windows x64.
Features at a glance:
IPv6 dial-up driver for
Windows * Automatic routing and address configuration
* IPv4 <->
IPv6 DNS mapping
* DHCPv6 Stateful, Stateless, Prefix Delegation
* High-speed, 10x faster than the
Windows Vista driver
* Configurable DHCP DUID
* VLAN support
cFos IPv6 Link Windows (x64 bit) 2.53 1132
Website - cFos IPv6 Link Windows (x64 bit) 2.53 1132
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