Windows Defender x64
Windows Defender for
Windows x64 is a free program that helps you stay productive by protecting your computer against pop-ups, slow performance and security threats caused by spyware and other potentially unwanted software.
Windows Defender no longer supports
Windows 2000 as mainstream support ended in June 2005.
This is the most current release of
Windows Defender x64. If
Windows Defender informed you that an update is available, you are running an older version. We encourage you to upgrade to this version. You can check your version of
Windows Defender by clicking the down arrow next to the help icon and choosing ‘About
Windows Defender’.
This release includes enhanced features that reflect ongoing input from customers, as well as Microsoft’s growing understanding of the malicious software landscape.
Specific features of
Windows Defender x64 include:
* A redesigned and simplified user interface – Incorporating feedback from our customers, the
Windows Defender UI has been redesigned to make common tasks easier to accomplish with a warning system that adapts alert levels according to the severity of a threat so that it is less intrusive overall, but still ensures the user does not miss the most urgent alerts.
* Improved detection and removal – Based on a new engine,
Windows Defender is able to detect and remove more threats posed by spyware and other potentially unwanted software. Real Time Protection has also been enhanced to better monitor key points in the operating system for changes.
* Protection for all users –
Windows Defender can be run by all users on a computer with or without administrative privileges. This ensures that all users on a computer are protected by
Windows Defender.
* Support for 64-bit platforms and accessibility -
Windows Defender supports accessibility and 64-bit platforms. Please be sure to use
WindowsDefenderX64.msi for 64-bit platforms.
* Delta definition updates -
Windows Defender now downloads smaller delta definition updates when possible which reduces the time required to download and install definition updates. Customers can expect shorter download times when updating their definition updates.
* Free Limited Support - As a part of our commitment to the security of our customers, Microsoft is offering two free support incidents relating to
Windows Defender on
Windows XP and
Windows Server 2003. Examples of valid support scenarios are installation, configuration, definition update, detection and removal errors. Please refer to the
Windows Defender support policy for more information.
* WGA enforcement - There are significant risks to running non-genuine
Windows. Only genuine
Windows customers can receive product downloads,
Windows updates and special offers.
Windows Defender will validate that your copy of
Windows is genuine before installation. Furthermore,
Windows Defender will only remove Severe threats for machines that are not genuine. Low, Medium and High threats will be detected, but not removed unless your copy of
Windows is genuine. For more information, please visit The
Windows Genuine Advantage.
Windows Defender x64
Website - Windows Defender x64
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