All-in-one Flash HD video player, mp3 player, banner rotator, and slideshow that can be used on unlimited domains and websites. This Flash CS4-AS3 product supports FLV, F4V, MP3, H264/AAC (MOV, MP4, M4A, M4V, 3GP, 3G2), JPG, PNG, GIF, SWF, YouTube, RTMP, and HTTP. Key features include fullscreen, widescreen, prerolls, bandwidth detection, on the fly bit rate switching, Google analytics tracking, YouTube support, closed captions, and so much more.
HTTP Test Tool is a script based tool for testing and benchmarking web applications, web servers, proxy servers and web browsers. httest can emulate clients and servers even in the same test script. Emulating servers is a unique feature, very usefull for testing proxy servers, web browsers and HTTP clients.
WidgetCast blends your digital lifestyle media into powerful, entertaining and portable Flash™ for websites, social networks and Adobe® AIR® powered desktops. WidgetCast is a Flash authoring tool and media content service designed to build world class widgets for personal and professional rich-media web content.
DRKSpider will navigate a web site from a given URL, checking internal (and external) links, style sheets, images and other files. Broken links will be reported and the site map displayed in a tree control.
Base64 De-/Encoder is a command line utility that decodes/encodes files using the Base64 algorithm.
Web Site Icons for Webmasters, Search Engine Optimizers, UI Designers, and Internet Marketing Professionals by Stat Centric Analytics. Icons can be a key part of a successful site marketing and visitor loyalty strategy. Improve the marketability of your products and services with these clear, crisp images. All graphics are provided with transparent backgrounds, allowing their use in web sites, applications, and other marketing materials.
Erstellen Sie in 10 Minuten Ihre eigene Homepage mit der Homepage Software HomepageFIX. Fügen Sie einfach Texte, Bilder, Bildergalerien, Flash-Animationen, Musik, Hyper- oder Videolinks ein - es sind keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse nötig! Die Software ist so konzipiert, dass sich jeder ohne Vorkenntnisse sofort zurechtfindet. Mitgeliefert werden zahlreiche professionelle Vorlagen und Farbschemas. Gestalten Sie ein mitgeliefertes Logo um oder erstellen Sie Ihr eigenes. Der Logogenerator verfügt sowohl über eine Bild in Bild-Funktion als auch über eine Bildbearbeitung. Passen Sie Schrift, Hintergrund und die Navigationsleiste manuell farblich an oder lassen Sie sich vom Autodesigner bei der Farbgestaltung helfen. Der Hintergrund kann einfarbig, als zweifarbiger Gradient, als eine große Grafik oder gekachelt dargestellt werden. Mit dem Homepage Baukasten System erstellen Sie Schritt für Schritt Ihre eigene Internetseite. Die Homepage Software ist sowohl für private Homepages, geschäftliche Internetseiten aber auch für Vereine geeignet, die kostengünstig eine professionelle Homepage mit einem gelungenen Seitenlayout und individuellen Formularen erstellen wollen. Der Import älterer Homepagefix Projekte ist möglich. Homepagefix ist abwärtskompatibel zu allen Vorgängerversionen. Features: Logogenerator, Designvorlagen, Navigation horizontal oder vertikal wobei Menüpunkte unsichtbar geschaltet werden können, Breadcrumb Navigation, Impressum, Kontaktformular, Datenschutzerklärung Hilfe, Formulargestaltung, Dateien zum Download anbieten, Hintergrundmusik, Tabellen, WSIWYG-Editor, HTML und Javascripte können manuell hinzugefügt und bearbeitet werden, Bildergalerien, Diashows, integrierter schneller FTP, einfaches Einfügen von externen und internen Links, Bildern, Texten, Videolinks verschiedener Videoportale und Flashdateien, doppelspaltiger Text. Testen Sie das Homepageprogramm jetzt kostenlos!
SWF to MP3 Converter is a SWF audio converter. It converts audio in SWF file (Adobe Flash Movie File) to MP3 and WAV formats. The SWF audio consists of one or more sound elements the format of which is MP3 or WAV. SWF to MP3 Converter creates a file for each sound element. You can also merge the multiple MP3 files into single one by the program. SWF to MP3 Converter supports batch conversion and all versions of SWF files.
Sublime Text is a text editor for code, HTML, and prose. It features rich selection of editing commands, including indenting or un-indenting, paragraph reformatting, line joining , multiple selections, regular expression search and replace, incremental find as you type, and preserve case on replace. Create macros, snippets, auto complete, and repeat last action.
Logtalk is an object-oriented logic programming language that can use most Prolog implementations as a back-end compiler. As a multi-paradigm language, it includes support for both prototypes and classes, protocols (interfaces), component-based programming through category-based composition, event-driven programming, and high-level multi-threading programming. Give Logtalk a try to see what it's really capable of!
ZinjaI is a C++ IDE (integrated development environment) developed in the context of a Scholarship for Initiation to the Scientific Research, in Universidad Nacional del Litoral, specially designed for being employed in classroom by programming studends.
Quick, lightweight and very powerful PHP editor that combines features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with unmatched performance. Rapid PHP is the most complete all-in-one software for coding PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web development languages with tools for debugging, validating, reusing, navigating and formatting your code. Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save your time and increase productivity. Features include full HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility; syntax highlighting for all popular web development languages; advanced PHP debugger; code intelligence for PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Smarty; PHP formatter; bracket highlighting; code folding; built-in File and (S)FTP Explorer; project management; built-in Web browser; integration with Web server; code explorer; built-in multi-browser preview; SQL explorer; find and replace with regular expression support; find and replace in files; multi-item clipboard; UTF-8 Unicode support; spelling checker; code snippet library; HTML and CSS code assistants; HTML and CSS validation tools; support for popular PHP and JavaScript frameworks and countless other goodies.