This package provides the HP MediaSmart Live TV Software for the supported notebook/laptop models and operating systems. HP MediaSmart Live TV Software will enable you to connect and watch television programs live, right from your notebook.
LogMeIn Hamachi is a hosted VPN service that securely connects devices and networks, extending LAN-like network connectivity to mobile users, distributed teams and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on-demand, across public private networks.
AIMLpad, created by Gary Dubuque, is an AIML interpreter. It was mainly designed to be used as a "personal assistant" chatter-bot. AIMLpad uses a text interface for communicating with the user. It also takes advantage of a Graphic User Interface to allow you to program and maintain the chatterbot's so-called "intelligence". With suitable AIML (and the included scripting language designed by Gary Dubuque) it can be programmed to say and do many things. CyN, created by Kino Coursey, is a modified version of AIMLpad. It extends AIMLpad by offering a micro Web and IRC server, and can interface to an OpenCyc server on a local or external computer. You may well ask what Program-N is? Well, Program-N is simply a designation by Dr. Richard Wallace signifying that AIMLpad is an AIML compliant interpreter. Extensions are allowed for an AIML interpreter, but the interpreter must be able to parse AIML code as defined by an AIML standard (currently at v1.01). FEATURES: · A command interpreter for experimenting with the built-in scripting language. · An Expert System (experimental). · A Javascript Interpreter (SpiderMonkey) for use with the AIML programming language. · Optional use of Microsoft's Agent (avatar).
Free Animated Gifs 500+ is a pack of more then 500 animated gifs! Completely free!
Ranking Toolbox is a unique collection of high-performance tools that enable you to check and improve the ranking position of your website to attract more visitors to your website via search engines. The Ranking Module allows you to query different search engine and to compare your website's position to your competitors'. Analyze the Top URLs for a certain keyword and find the best keywords for your own website with the help of different keyword tools. In addition, you can do a basic check of your website with the HTML Validator and see your website as a search robot sees it with the Web Robot Simulator.
Network switcher - switch network settings on your laptop/notebook (network switcher). Ideal for laptop/notebook users, who travel from one network location to another. It is a network settings manager that switches a computer between multiple network configurations (profiles) with one click of a button. A profile can include LAN-settings (IP-address, DNS, gateway), your browser's proxy settings (supports Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera), Windows Firewall settings, network drive mappings, default printer, SMTP-server and more. For example you can switch from a static to a DHCP assigned IP address, or switch one static IP address to another. Use your laptop/notebook on multiple networks: assume you have a DHCP-enabled network at your office, and a static IP-address assigned to your network card at home. Every time you connect your notebook or laptop to a new network, you have to change network adapter settings manually. But it would be easier to store two profiles (called "office" and "home") and switch between these two profiles. If you deal with two or more locations, you can benefit from this network switcher utility which creates a profile with your configuration settings: TCP/IP-settings, browser-proxy (Firefox-compatible, Opera-compatible), network drives, default printer settings, SMTP server address etc. Then you can easily switch between network settings by activating a profile.
RadioMaximus is a complete application that allows you to search, listen and record your favorite radio shows. You can receive and record thousands of radio stations available on the Internet. The interface is very comprehensive and gives you quick access to all its features. You can even add the radio stations you like to your favorite screen for quick access. Key Features * Listen to and record multiple stations simultaneously * Create a schedule for automatic recording * Support for Last.FM * Bookmarks songs and listen to them later (available for most songs) * Shows station logos in your favorites
Easy Homepage Creator is a MS Windows based software to create a professional Web site/homepage. Normally you will pay for such a professional Web site around 500/750 EURO/Dollar. Now we combine our design skills into one simple and easy-to-use program. Easy Homepage Creator is the easiest software to create a website. With 3 simple steps you build your professional XHTML / CSS homepage in 5 minuts!
BirdyAdder leverages the newest marketing medium for you. Twitter is a social network site where millions of people go to interact with others. These members follow each other and take part in the many features Twitter has, creating an extremely large social network. BirdyAdder handles all of the work for you and includes the following features: Auto Follower that allows you to follow a lot of people quickly and easily. Unfollow anybody who has not followed you back, and send a message to your new followers. Send “Direct Messages” to all your followers. import/export tweets. Compile a list of tweets from which BirdyAdder will automatically tweet at specified intervals. Add ID’s to Blacklist or Whitelist. Statistics for followed, unfollowed, messaged and tweets posted! New!Monitor RSS feed and send tweets! New!Filter your targets by location and # of followers/following. New!Anti-Flood feature which deletes your previous tweet before posting a new one. New!Multiple registered accounts can now be chained together! New! Set BirdyAdder to auto start each day! New! Automatically monitor search results and send replies! New! Time-delay feature!
IP Change Easy is a smart IP changer tool to change IP quickly. It's especially useful for whose who switches to different networks frequently.Support changing IP Address and changing proxy without restarting Internet browser.Support operation from system tray.Support applying by desktop shortcut.
Windows Live Writer is a desktop application that makes it easier to compose compelling blog posts using Windows Live Spaces or your current blog service. Blogging has turned the web into a two-way communications medium. Our goal in creating Writer is to help make blogging more powerful, intuitive, and fun for everyone. Writer has lots of features which we hope make for a better blogging experience. Some of the ones we are most excited about include: WYSIWYG Authoring The first thing to notice about Writer is that it enables true WYSIWYG blog authoring. You can now author your post and know exactly what it will look like before you publish it. Writer knows the styles of your blog such as headings, fonts, colors, background images, paragraph spacing, margins and block quotes and enables you to edit your post using these styles. Writer also includes other views including HTML source-code editing and web preview mode. Now you don’t have to waste time going through the process of publishing, refreshing, previewing, and tweaking your post to get it looking the way you want. It’s all right there in Writer as you create your post. Photo Publishing Writer makes inserting, customizing, and uploading photos to your blog a snap. You can insert a photo into your post by browsing image thumbnails through the “Insert Picture” dialog or by copying and pasting from a web page. Once you’ve inserted the picture, Writer provides contextual editing tools to modify size, text wrapping, borders, and apply graphic effects. Writer also allows you specify a smaller thumbnail to that will link to a larger image for detailed viewing. Photos can be either uploaded directly to your weblog provider (if they support the newMediaObject API) or to an FTP server. Map Publishing Whether you are blogging about a vacation or a political conflict, maps are a great help in engaging the imagination of your readers. You can do this using Writer's ability to insert a Windows Live Local map directly into a post. Even better is that the map can be customized directly within Writer - including changing the view to show road, aerial or bird's eye detail and by adding pushpins (including custom links and/or photos for each pushpin). When readers click on the map they get a larger view on the Windows Live Local site. Writer SDK Already thinking of other cool stuff you want to insert into your blog? Good! The Windows Live Writer SDK allows developers to extend the capabilities of Writer to publish additional content types. Examples of content types that can be added include: 1. Images from online photo publishing sites 2. Embedded video or audio players 3. Product thumbnails and/or links from e-commerce sites 4. Tags from tagging services We can't wait to see all the things people cook up with the SDK!
Maryfi is a free and easy to use software router for Windows 7, 8 , and 8.1 computers. With Maryfi, users can wirelessly share any Internet connection such as: a cable modem, a cellular card, or even another Wi-Fi network. Other Wi-Fi enabled devices including laptops, smart phones, music players, and gaming systems can see and join your Maryfi hotspot just like any other Wi-Fi access point and are kept safe and secure by password-protected WPA2 Encryption.
What's WASEL Pro? WASEL, is a VPN service provider with one of the most easy to use software client and reliable stable services, WASEL is your secure and safe gateway to the internet, By using our software and service you will be able to surf the internet anonymously and safely through high speed network of servers.. By using WASEL Pro VPN service, you can browse the Internet freely without any limitation, Make VOIP calls through Skype, and speed up your Internet connection by using advanced compression technique.. Using WASEL Pro service gives you the advantage of browsing the Internet anonymously and totally secured.. The tunnel established between your device and WASEL VPN servers is double encrypted and using top security measurment for secure and safe enviroment, Hackers will not have a chance getting to reach your device due to no show of your original IP address and the highly encrypted data transfer.. Why WASEL Pro? Easy installation and one click to connect application, just a setup our OpenVPN client on your device, insert your username and password and click connect.. Trusted & reliable VPN Solution for private and business use.. Several features (L2TP/OpenVPN), unlimited bandwidth, No restrictions over use, support…