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Eye4Software GPS SDK 4.0

Eye4Software GPS SDK 4.0 Trial version 10909 

Toolkit to add GPS functionality to software (GPS API). All NMEA0183 protocol versions are supported, all NMEA 0183 can be filtered by NMEA type and talker ID. Garmin USB Information on GPS status can also be retrieved: GPS fix quality, Satellites used in fix, DGPS beacon ID, Satellites in view, Satellite azimuth, elevation and singnal strengths. Support for map grid and datum tranformation is included. Comes with various programming examples.

Bytescout Image To Video SDK 2.10.793

Bytescout Image To Video SDK 2.10.793 Trial version 10909 

Image to video slideshow conversion - .NET & ActiveX SDK. Create slideshow with 2D and 3D effects from JPG, PNG, BMP images, with MP3, WAV sound and WMV, AVI video as output. Works in Visual C#, Visual Basic, ASP.NET, ASP classic, VB6, VBScript. Image To Video SDK includes .NET and ActiveX interfaces; provides lot of 2D and 3D slide transition effects, slide and effects customization; supports background color and background image for slideshow.

Luxand FaceCrop Face Detection SDK 1.0

Luxand FaceCrop Face Detection SDK 1.0 Trial version 10904 

From one of the pioneers of face detection software comes Luxand FaceCrop SDK, the ultimate solution for developers who need to automate the process of face detection and get the highest quality images possible from an original of any format, resolution or aspect ratio. Providing professional-looking photos by detecting the human face in an image, the software offers a single-call function making the process faster and easier than ever.

Alligator Flash Designer 8.0.5

Alligator Flash Designer 8.0.5 Trial version 10904 

Flash Designer greatly simplifies the process of creating interactive Flash animations for the Web sites. It allows to animate images, texts or shapes and add MP3 or WAV sound to the Flash movie.

Xtreme SuitePro 16.2.3

Xtreme SuitePro 16.2.3 Free version 10887 

Xtreme SuitePro combines the most popular ActiveX COM components, Xtreme CalendarPro, Xtreme CommandBars, Xtreme Controls, Xtreme DockingPane, Xtreme PropertyGrid, Xtreme ReportControl, Xtreme ShortcutBar, Xtreme Syntax Edit, Xtreme SkinFramework and Xtreme TaskPanel into one easy to use package.

DDE server plugin

DDE server plugin Free version 10884 

Data export module "DDE server" for Advanced Serial Data Logger is used for data transmit received by Advanced Serial Data Logger picked out from byte flow by parser to other programs on DDE technology. The data export module works as server; it means that it gives access to reading data on every variable received from parser. Using this data export module, you can use data, received from COM port in office applications or your own programs.

Adobe Flash Player Debugger Beta

Adobe Flash Player Debugger Beta Free version 10882 

Updated debugger (aka debug players or content debuggers) and standalone (aka projector) versions of Flash Player 10.2 are available for Flash Builder 4, Flash Catalyst, Flash Professional CS4, and Flash Professional CS5 users. All users are encouraged to update to the new players.

NPE File Analyzer

NPE File Analyzer Free version 10881 

NPE File Analyzer is a utility that allow users to view and edit 32bit and 64bit Portable Executable (PE) files, such as .EXE .DLL and .SYS files. NPE provides functions for inspection of unknown binaries, you can analyze sections, resources, import and export tables, relocations, TlsTable, and much more. It has a built-in process manager to analyze running processes and loaded modules.

VISCOM Imaging TIFF PDF to Docx SDK 8.25

VISCOM Imaging TIFF PDF to Docx SDK 8.25 Trial version 10876 

Support convert PDF, TIF to docx, read Kodak / Wang Annotation tag within a TIFF file and display it.Rotate mulitpage TIFF PDF.Barcode Recognition readerOCR to searchable pdf.Support display DICOM images.Extract text from PDF file.Securing a PDF using 40 bit, 128 bit RC4 encryption and owner, user password.zoom in, zoom out, panning, auto zoom and auto scrolling. OCR to searchable pdf.

EasyHook 2.7 Beta

EasyHook 2.7 Beta Free version 10876 

This project supports extending (hooking) unmanaged code (APIs) with pure managed ones, from within a fully managed environment like C# using Windows 2000 SP4 and later, including Windows XP x64, Windows Vista x64 and Windows Server 2008 x64. Also 32- and 64-bit kernel mode hooking is supported as well as an unmanaged user-mode API which allows you to hook targets without requiring a NET Framework on the customers PC.

PlayBasic Learning Edition 1.64

PlayBasic Learning Edition 1.64 Free version 10875 

PlayBASIC is a powerful and full featured game programming language for Windows. It was designed for beginners and experienced game designers alike, and includes as many built in features as possible, letting programmers work on the game, rather than learning the complex techniques behind it. Making PlayBASIC the an easy gateway into game programming for those budding game designers out there.

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