PC Monitor Expert becomes invisible after installation, so it can secretly monitor your specified computer without any trace. The software is pure design, and it has no special requirements on computer or network, nor any influence. It completely monitors a computer by recording all keystrokes typed, capturing screenshots, monitoring and controlling active windows and programs run. Besides, it has other enhancements for better monitoring.
Freeware, CryptoExpert system mounts a volume file to create a "virtual drive" that appears to applications and users like any other physical drive. Any data that the user attempts to write to this drive is intercepted by CryptoExpert, encrypted, and written to the volume file. Attempts to read from this volume are also intercepted, and the relevant data is read by CryptoExpert from the volume file, decrypted, and presented to the application.
File Monster completely erases files from your system -- actually overwriting the information in the file so it can not be recovered. The reason information is still available when you delete files with normal deletion methods is because normal deletion methods only tell the operating system to not recognize the file as being present anymore, yet the information hasn't really been erased.
Take control of your cyber risk with Datplan's cyber control software Allowing companies to implement a robust cyber risk management framework, monitor file passwords to aid with GDPR and data privacy regulations and a fraud reporting suite to identify potential fraudulent transactions from internal and external parties. This software solution is designed to sit alongside your existing malware solution to give maximum protection.
Still be worrying about so many passwords to remember? Now we have Efficient Password Manager Network, a powerful and unique password management package. She can not only help you remember generic passwords, but also record website login passwords, e-mail account passwords, etc. Besides, with network edition, different users in your organization can access the same copy of data, to work in conjunction and improve work efficiency!
Audit and recovery of MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB passwords. Account information import from databases. Password recovery using dictionary attacks, brute force attacks, hybrid dictionary/brute force attacks. Generation of reports on recovered passwords.
Keyboard Tracer is an easy-to-use tool to record keyboard and monitor keystrokes on your own computer. It can track activities of other people using your keyboard without your permission. Keyboard Tracer runs in invisible mode automatically after Windows starts up.
The deletion of files with the windows recycle bin removes only the references to the files, without real clearing. In contrast to this the software abylon SHREDDER overwrite the data up to 35 times (Peter Gutman method). Afterwards the data can not be reconstructed any longer. The same goes for free space, clustertips, surf traces of the browser, file names, duplicate files or full drives.
Xleaner is a free privacy and clean-up utility that allows you to get rid of junk files with ease. With Xleaner you can eliminate all these tracks that result from browsing the web on your computer, such as internet history, cookies, cache, autocomplete memory etc. of your browser, and window's temp folders, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents and more.
EraseMaster allows you to clean your Internet history, cookies, cache, index.dat files, temp files, Windows search history, and more. EraseMaster completely cleans your system, ensuring your computer and Internet use cannot be revealed by anyone. It is very easy to use and performs all its cleaning tasks with just a single click of a button! Other features include plug-ins for popular applications, scheduled cleanups and running in stealth mode.
Software protection platform with obfuscation, virtualization and code compressing for Delphi (from 7 to 10 Seattle), Visual Basic, QT 5.3 and other Windows applications.