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Web Develope Download now Web Develope software for free
Website Realizer 1.7.15

Website Realizer 1.7.15 Trial version 12221 

Website Realizer, a website builder, lets you build websites just by dragging and dropping images, media, and effects, then adding your own text, all in the comfort of an intuitive WYSIWYG editor! There's no programming knowledge needed, since Website Realizer automatically creates all of the HTML code for you. All of your files are carefully monitored by the program to ensure that nothing goes missing, plus this website builder will automatically update your links if you move or rename files and directories in the website explorer. The website maker software provides CSS Style Editor allowing you to style your website to make it look exactly the way you want. It also offers you a set of templates that can be customized to your liking with just a few clicks. You can also integrate PayPal buttons so that customers could buy your products or services online. Website Realizer comes with a variety of built-in editors and pre-designed elements to get you up and running quickly. Edit web buttons, background images, and text images, and apply filters and fixes right in the program. Use any of the 100+ navigation bars to get started, or customize them to match your own vision of what your site should look like. Once you have polished your website to perfection, use this website builder software to bring it to life by publishing it directly to your web server using FTP, SFTP or FTPS.

SiteMap 1.9

SiteMap 1.9 Free version 12216 

Prepare Spidering Sitemap for Google and other search engines.To speed spidering, and ensure the most important files get spidered frequently, Google has created a system where you leave a compressed catalog of all your files on the website for it to find. For it to take effect, you must register your site with Google.

Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter

Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter Free version 12215 

Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter helps you create HTML5 videos to play them on your website or blog in HTML5 compatible browsers even without Adobe flash player installed. HTML5 video player and video files created by this program will be played in all browsers which support HTML5 video. The program creates both MP4 and OGV video files to playback in different browsers. You will save plenty of time owing to cross-browser compatibility.

SerpSpy 2.0.11

SerpSpy 2.0.11 Trial version 12211 

Track your Google ranking the easy way, with SerpSpy! Just enter your URL, some keywords, and click Go! SerpSpy will track your website search rank in all the major search engines, no more manually searching! SerpSpy can generate automatic website ranking reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The search ranking reports are easy to read and can be automatically emailed. Download a free trial and start tracking your website search ranking!

PHP 5.5.3

PHP 5.5.3 Free version 12207 

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. With PHP you are not limited to output HTML. PHP's abilities includes outputting images, PDF files and even Flash movies (using libswf and Ming) generated on the fly. You can also output easily any text, such as XHTML and any other XML file.

A1 Keyword Tools 5.0.4

A1 Keyword Tools 5.0.4 Trial version 12187 

Optimize website content and keywords. Find related keywords and phrases. Build keyword lists that cover all variations, e.g. word permutations and spelling errors. Position check and track ranking history. Check keyword density. Have titles, headers etc. "weight" more. Analyze website competition, e.g. backlinks and Google PageRank. Integrate with online SEO, PPC and website analysis tools. All information and data can be exported as XML or CSV.

Store Manager for Magento PRO

Store Manager for Magento PRO Trial version 12181 

Store Manager for Magento is a desktop application for quick and effective Magento online store management. You can add, delete and update your products, categories and manufacturers, automatically upload your product images while editing products, categories, manufacturers, view reports, orders, export/import products, backup/restore database, manage product attributes, manage global store settings. All this from your desktop computer.

Apeel PHP Code Generator Pro 11.07

Apeel PHP Code Generator Pro 11.07 Trial version 12177 

The quick and easy way to put your MySQL Database on the Web or your Intranet. Generate BETTER quality PHP data-entry Web/Intranet Applications in minutes without writing a single line of code! Tried-and-tested code also means little debugging/testing - all of which goes to saving you time, money and hassles. Apeel PHP Code Generator Pro is a next-generation tool for building robust, Ajax enabled PHP Data Maintenance Applications for your MySQL Databases. It quickly analyses your databases structure, makes intelligent decisions (such as which fields require a dropdown list or autocomplete box for example - all of which can be overriden), and generates fully featured Web Applications written in clean, natural human-friendly, object-oriented PHP 5 code which slots into the extensible APEEL Open-Source Framework which leverages industry standard open-source libraries such as jQuery, CKEditor, Smarty, FlexiGrid, and TCPDF. Generated applications include all the bells and whistles such as: Desktop-Like data grids with resizable columns, multiple field sort, filters and column ordering, and facility to export to PDF, Word or Excel. Data Entry Forms with Client and Server Validation, and various Widgets such as Rich Text editor, Date Picker, Multi-Select Boxes, Autocomplete Lists etc. All generated applications are written in pure PHP - no special plugins required, and they are royalty free - i.e. you can install them on customers web servers even if they don't have a copy of the software. So what are you waiting for? In the time you read this page you could have created a Web Application! Why not download the 30 day Free Trial Version now and get started? You can even get it FREE just for writing a review or making a promotional video.

Image / Banner Rotator Dreamweaver Extension 1.4.3

Image / Banner Rotator Dreamweaver Extension 1.4.3 Trial version 12159 

Image / Banner Rotator Dreamweaver extension is an easy way to add an effective CSS / JavaScript image rotator or banner rotator to your web pages in Dreamweaver. No coding knowledge is required, it takes just few clicks to set up. Intuitive interface with a live preview and preset themes. Full range of browsers. No flash, no frameworks. Lightweight and SEO-friendly. W3C validated and accessible. Easy to setup: - no CSS or JavaScript knowledge is required - WYSIWYG editor - live preview - preset image rotator themes Enhanced user experience: - images are rotated with effective cross-fade and roll transactions with easing effect - CSS and image based navigation buttons - rich captions can be used in rotating banners - pause on mouseover Search engine optimized and standards compliant - full range of browsers supported - SEO-friendly - accessible - lightweight unobtrusive JavaScript - requires no third-party frameworks - no flash is used. Free 15-day trial. 60-day money back guarantee.

HTTP Test Tool 2.4.8

HTTP Test Tool 2.4.8 Free version 12135 

HTTP Test Tool is a script based tool for testing and benchmarking web applications, web servers, proxy servers and web browsers. httest can emulate clients and servers even in the same test script. Emulating servers is a unique feature, very usefull for testing proxy servers, web browsers and HTTP clients.

HomepageFIX 2014 8.0.0

HomepageFIX 2014 8.0.0 Trial version 12131 

Erstellen Sie in 10 Minuten Ihre eigene Homepage mit der Homepage Software HomepageFIX. Fügen Sie einfach Texte, Bilder, Bildergalerien, Flash-Animationen, Musik, Hyper- oder Videolinks ein - es sind keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse nötig! Die Software ist so konzipiert, dass sich jeder ohne Vorkenntnisse sofort zurechtfindet. Mitgeliefert werden zahlreiche professionelle Vorlagen und Farbschemas. Gestalten Sie ein mitgeliefertes Logo um oder erstellen Sie Ihr eigenes. Der Logogenerator verfügt sowohl über eine Bild in Bild-Funktion als auch über eine Bildbearbeitung. Passen Sie Schrift, Hintergrund und die Navigationsleiste manuell farblich an oder lassen Sie sich vom Autodesigner bei der Farbgestaltung helfen. Der Hintergrund kann einfarbig, als zweifarbiger Gradient, als eine große Grafik oder gekachelt dargestellt werden. Mit dem Homepage Baukasten System erstellen Sie Schritt für Schritt Ihre eigene Internetseite. Die Homepage Software ist sowohl für private Homepages, geschäftliche Internetseiten aber auch für Vereine geeignet, die kostengünstig eine professionelle Homepage mit einem gelungenen Seitenlayout und individuellen Formularen erstellen wollen. Der Import älterer Homepagefix Projekte ist möglich. Homepagefix ist abwärtskompatibel zu allen Vorgängerversionen. Features: Logogenerator, Designvorlagen, Navigation horizontal oder vertikal wobei Menüpunkte unsichtbar geschaltet werden können, Breadcrumb Navigation, Impressum, Kontaktformular, Datenschutzerklärung Hilfe, Formulargestaltung, Dateien zum Download anbieten, Hintergrundmusik, Tabellen, WSIWYG-Editor, HTML und Javascripte können manuell hinzugefügt und bearbeitet werden, Bildergalerien, Diashows, integrierter schneller FTP, einfaches Einfügen von externen und internen Links, Bildern, Texten, Videolinks verschiedener Videoportale und Flashdateien, doppelspaltiger Text. Testen Sie das Homepageprogramm jetzt kostenlos!

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Best Apps for Web Develope From the Editors

Rapid PHP 2014 12.2

Rapid PHP 2014 12.2

Quick, lightweight and very powerful PHP editor that combines features of a fully-packed PHP IDE with unmatched performance. Rapid PHP is the most complete all-in-one software for coding PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other web development languages with tools for debugging, validating, reusing, navigating and formatting your code. Whether you are a professional developer or pure enthusiast, with Rapid PHP editor you can get your job done faster, save your time and increase productivity. Features include full HTML5 and CSS3 compatibility; syntax highlighting for all popular web development languages; advanced PHP debugger; code intelligence for PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Smarty; PHP formatter; bracket highlighting; code folding; built-in File and (S)FTP Explorer; project management; built-in Web browser; integration with Web server; code explorer; built-in multi-browser preview; SQL explorer; find and replace with regular expression support; find and replace in files; multi-item clipboard; UTF-8 Unicode support; spelling checker; code snippet library; HTML and CSS code assistants; HTML and CSS validation tools; support for popular PHP and JavaScript frameworks and countless other goodies.