Search Result - Compare

CompareEnter 1.2

CompareEnter 1.2 Free version 11422 

Using CompareEnter, you can compare files loaded in Visual Studio and the containing folders by using Compare++. Besides, you can…

Hex Workshop

Hex Workshop Trial version 12306 

With Hex Workshop you can edit, cut, copy, paste, insert, and delete hex, print customizable hex dumps, and export to…

Syncro SVN Client 9.1

Syncro SVN Client 9.1 Trial version 13826 

Syncro SVN Client makes easier the document and code sharing between content authors or developers. It offers full SVN repository…

BlackBerry Native SDK 2.1 Beta 1

BlackBerry Native SDK 2.1 Beta 1 Free version 10261 

When it comes to testing your application, you can test it using a BlackBerry PlayBook tablet or the BlackBerry Tablet…

ExamDiff Pro 7.0 B7.0.0.8

ExamDiff Pro 7.0 B7.0.0.8 Trial version 9681 

ExamDiff Pro is a powerful, intuitive and easy to use visual file and directory comparison tool for Windows. ExamDiff Pro…

AccdbMerge 0.3.2

AccdbMerge 0.3.2 Free version 13557 

AccdbMerge is easy to use diff & merge tool for Microsoft Access *.mdb and *.accdb files. This tool allows to…

Avro Editor 0.95

Avro Editor 0.95 Free version 11257 

Avro Editor is a Java based, handy application designed to enable you to view, edit or compare your Avro binary…

Portable ExamDiff

Portable ExamDiff Free version 9770 

ExamDiff is a freeware Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/2008 tool for visual file comparison. It is quick and very simple to use, and…

HexEdit 4.0

HexEdit 4.0 Free version 51623 

HexEdit is powerfull hexadecimal editor with following features: * MDI interface * Data Inspector * Calculator * File Compare *…

ApexSQL Diff API 2011.02

ApexSQL Diff API 2011.02 Trial version 11601 

ApexSQL Diff API programmatically compares and synchronizes SQL Server database tables, views and all other SQL Server objects as well…

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