Have you deleted important data from your disk, or you have formatted disk losing your important data files and folders,…
The RecordEditor is a Data-File editor, similar to File-Aid or Net-Cobols Cobol-Editor. It uses a Record-Layout to format the data…
Bitser is free windows software for managing archives and backups similar to WinZip, 7-zip and WinRAR but with an alternate…
Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very safe integrity checking and a user interface…
This open-source utility can automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write macros by hand or…
Application allows automatic recording of all the text that will get there. Records can be edited, saved and recalled. Return…
Express Paste is an extension of the windows clipboard that will help you copy frequently used text such as email…
Taskbar Classic Start Menu adds to the system notification area an icon. By clicking this icon, you can bring up…
ViPad is a the ultimate Windows desktop application launch & organization tool for the windows desktop. You can organize all…
Fresh Download is an easy-to-use and very fast download manager software that turbo charges downloading files from the Internet, such…