Search Result - Code

Microncode Audio Tools 1.0

Microncode Audio Tools 1.0 Free version 4109 

The Microncode Audio Tools is an app for Windows desktop which allows you to do many operations on audio (and…

VJDirector2 2.8.2098.0

VJDirector2 2.8.2098.0  3907 

VJDirector2 (Live production software) is a Windows-based soft workstation for multimedia editing, recording and broadcasting, and support HD.Features include special…

Ant Movie Catalog

Ant Movie Catalog Free version 3470 

Ant Movie Catalog is a free (really free, i.e. the source code is available) program made to manage your collection…

Xilisoft Audio Maker Suite

Xilisoft Audio Maker Suite  3429 

Xilisoft Audio Maker Suite is a powerful discount pack, which consists of two products: Xilisoft DVD Audio Ripper and Xilisoft…

4Media Photo to Flash

4Media Photo to Flash  3578 

A design of power and simplicity, 4Media Photo to Flash delivers a specific and convenient solution to convert your photo…

Acoustica Premium Edition 7.0.56

Acoustica Premium Edition 7.0.56  3498 

Acoustica Premium Edition is a handy and intuitive application which can successfully assist you in recording, playing and editing audio…

Acoustica Basic Edition 6.0 B19

Acoustica Basic Edition 6.0 B19 Free version 3704 

Acoustica is a comprehensive audio editor for recording, editing, mixing and mastering. The intuitive user interface was designed with speed,…

CuteDJ - DJ Software 4.3.5

CuteDJ - DJ Software 4.3.5  3584 

CuteDJ is the most powerful DJ software for Windows. With professional mix engine and iTunes integration, you can mix your…

AVCWare Free Ringtone Maker

AVCWare Free Ringtone Maker Free version 3732 

AVCWare Free Ringtone Maker is a desktop ringtone creating tool that can make customized mobile ringtones from many video and…

MusicBrainz Picard 2.5.5

MusicBrainz Picard 2.5.5 Free version 3730 

MusicBrainz Picard is a cross-platform (Linux/Mac OS X/Windows) application written in Python and is the official MusicBrainz tagger. Picard supports…

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