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1site (LITE) 2013.3.148

1site (LITE) 2013.3.148 Free version 15342 

Professional and easy to use Website editor/publishing tool: you can make fancy Web sites with frames, styles, mouse-over images, photo…

DeskAlerts 4.2

DeskAlerts 4.2 Trial version 12565 

DeskAlerts is the only alert solution that works in technologically and geographically diverse networks * Always on top * Easy…

GOM Media Player

GOM Media Player Free version 18222 

GOM Player is a free multimedia player with popular video and audio codecs built-in. GOM Player supports file formats such…

DRKSpider 3.00

DRKSpider 3.00 Free version 12121 

DRKSpider will navigate a web site from a given URL, checking internal (and external) links, style sheets, images and other…

Office Security OwnerGuard 12.7.1

Office Security OwnerGuard 12.7.1 Free version 20876 

Office OwnerGuard is the ultimate Security, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Copy Protection, Licensing, Watermarking and Distribution Management solution for Excel,…

PDF Security OwnerGuard 13.0.1

PDF Security OwnerGuard 13.0.1 Free version 4189 

PDF Security OwnerGuard is the ultimate Digital Rights Management (DRM), Security, Copy Protection, Watermarking, Licensing and Distribution Management solution for…

Child Control

Child Control  4081 

The most optimal parental control for all Windows-PCs (incl.Vista). Set time limits for the PC and/or the Internet and block/filter…

Safe AutoLogon 9.1 B303

Safe AutoLogon 9.1 B303  4043 

Centrally manage Safe AutoLogon clients and users. Do everything from install/uninstall, reboot, change settings, and set passwords. Redundancy is built-in…

SAC Anti Malicious Tool 1.2.4

SAC Anti Malicious Tool 1.2.4 Free version 4107 

SAC Tool is a Free software. SAC (Search & Clean) Tool can Detect and clean Malicious softwares, Keyloggers, Spywares and…

IQIYI Remover 1.0

IQIYI Remover 1.0 Free version 4876 

Remove IQIYI Video with just one click! IQIYI Remover completely deletes IQIYI on the hard drive and in Windows registry.…

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