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Omega DB Scanner Standalone 2.1.0

Omega DB Scanner Standalone 2.1.0 Free version 3742 

Omega DB Scanner Standalone is an out-of-box, software-only solution. This Standalone and Free Edition is a simple client-side solution that…

Action1 Hardware Inventory Manager 2.6

Action1 Hardware Inventory Manager 2.6 Free version 6024 

Action1 Hardware Inventory Manager is a free SaaS-based computer inventory reporting tool for your endpoints, with a web interface remotely…

Action1 Software Inventory Manager 2.6

Action1 Software Inventory Manager 2.6 Free version 6057 

Action1 Software Inventory Manager is a free software inventory management tool that is entirely SaaS, with online web interface (no… Search Engine Confuzer 1.00 Search Engine Confuzer 1.00  5438 

This program opens search engine websites automatically with fake and random search expressions you would never search for by your… File Washer 6.00 File Washer 6.00  3891 

By deleting files/folders/drives with this program you can switch between 11 different erasing methods, and all of them overwrite your…

Show Asterisks Password Free

Show Asterisks Password Free Free version 3543 

Shows the Windows forgotten passwords! Sometimes it happens to forget the passwords of one or more Windows programs. With this…

Hide Folders 5.5 B5.5.1.1161

Hide Folders 5.5 B5.5.1.1161  3882 

Hide Folders is an innovative software application which enables you to password protect all the private information on your hard…

Kaspersky Safe Kids 1.10.0

Kaspersky Safe Kids 1.10.0 Free version 4017 

Helps you keep your children safe online without spying on them. The Internet might be dangerous for your kids -…

Portable Secure Folder

Portable Secure Folder  4075 

Secure Folder is a handy package that contains a large number of useful security tools. Each one comes with info…

SSL Enforcer 1.29

SSL Enforcer 1.29 Free version 3882 

Force SSL/TLS encryption for any browser or app. Block all unsecure connections. Works for all apps including browsers, plug-ins and…

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