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UltraMixer 5 Pro Entertain 5.1.5

UltraMixer 5 Pro Entertain 5.1.5  3590 

UltraMixer 5 Pro Entertain is the professional DJ software for Mac and Win it allows you to mix music or…

Traktor Scratch PRO 2.10.3

Traktor Scratch PRO 2.10.3  3609 

Traktor makes the DJ experience worthwhile, by encasing the powerful engine that any professional turntablist needs to create original content.…

AudioMulch 2.2.4

AudioMulch 2.2.4  3843 

AudioMulch is an interactive musician's environment for computers running Microsoft Windows. Bringing together the popular with what has up to…

HAPsaveImageToFolder 10.10

HAPsaveImageToFolder 10.10 Free version 3432 

HAPsaveImageToFolder is a handy and useful application that allows you to export the album images from the CATraxx program. The…

MAGIX Music Maker Premium MX

MAGIX Music Maker Premium MX  3966 

MAGIX Music Maker MX Premium - Make music without compromises! Get started right away and create your own songs and…

MAGIX Samplitude Producer 11_5

MAGIX Samplitude Producer 11_5  3977 

Record, arrange, and edit instruments or vocals with Samplitude 11.5 Producer! Ideal for bands during rehearsal: thanks to the multi-track…

G-Player 1.2.4

G-Player 1.2.4  3660 

Forget converting and importing with random results. Save time and disk space. G-Player plays all your Gigastudio sound libraries without…

Java_Sound 1.0

Java_Sound 1.0  3895 

Java_Sound is a Java program that lets you use mouse or computer keyboard to play piano and record sounds with…

Audials Music 2021.0.130.0

Audials Music 2021.0.130.0  3377 

Dive into the world of music and save top-quality tracks in abundance. Get the freedom to keep music and movies…

WMP Tag Plus 2.11

WMP Tag Plus 2.11 Free version 3726 

WMP Tag Plus is a plug-in that integrates seamlessly into Windows Media Player to provide library and tagging support for…

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