Search Result - power


Shoozla Free version 3417 

Very simple and powerfull tool to add missing covers to your music: 1st: Select your Music folder, 2nd: Click on…

Amplifikation Lite 1.1.3

Amplifikation Lite 1.1.3 Free version 3491 

Kuassa Amplifikation Lite enables you to create ultra-realistic sounding guitar sounds by simply plugging your guitar to your computers soundcard…

Kernel Video Repair 19.0

Kernel Video Repair 19.0  16210 

Kernel Video Repair is a powerful tool consist of minimum but result oriented steps. The features of tool makes this…

Engine Prime 1.2

Engine Prime 1.2 Free version 6316 

Engine Prime empowers you with a fast, easy method of creating your own custom Playlists and Crates, to match your…

Audio Terminator 4.50

Audio Terminator 4.50  3728 

Audio Terminator is a powerful digital audio tools. It's the perfect program for home studio recording, converting and for people…

AntiAlias VST 5.7.2

AntiAlias VST 5.7.2 Free version 3977 

This simple to use yet powerful VST effect is useful for anyone mastering audio tracks. Aliasing makes tracks sound poor…

SpatialVerb VST 5.7.2

SpatialVerb VST 5.7.2 Free version 4009 

This simple to use yet powerful VST effect is great for those who want a realistic reverb effect. This plugin…

Noatikl 3.3.3

Noatikl 3.3.3  3311 

Noatikl (or noatikl) is a powerful yet easy to use tool that will help you generate new musical ideas. Noatikl…

123Tag 8.2.1

123Tag 8.2.1  3404 

123Tag is an easy-to-use and powerful Tag editor and file renamer for MP3,MP4,WMA and many other audio formats, useful to… 1.2.6 1.2.6  4262 

Looking for a smart, powerful and easy to use DJ software? Look no more! Meet - the audio-video DJ…

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