Search Result - state

Advanced Connection Viewer 1.7

Advanced Connection Viewer 1.7  3687 

Advanced Connection Viewer is a security solution that simplifies the task of monitoring active connections (HTTP, TCP / IP, UDP,…

ProtectStar Data Shredder PRO

ProtectStar Data Shredder PRO  4074 

Secure Erase: ProtectStar Data Shredder 5 Professional is a state-of-the-art and professional tool that has won numerous awards and that…

Secure SQL Auditor

Secure SQL Auditor  3589 

Secure SQL Auditor (SQA) is State of the art software for risk assessment and management, it conducts security audit and…

Clean Slate 10 B4821

Clean Slate 10 B4821  3666 

Clean Slate is designed to protect public access computers from malicious or inexperienced users. While not restricting users' activities, Clean…

SAINT Lite 3.17.0

SAINT Lite 3.17.0  3529 

SAINT, which stands for “Safe Access Internet Navigation Technology”, is an innovative and proprietary software with state of the art…

Chrome Privacy Guard

Chrome Privacy Guard Free version 3876 

Chrome Privacy Guard is a small tool that automatically deletes the unique Client ID before each run of Google Chrome.…

Passwordstate 8.9 Build 8990

Passwordstate 8.9 Build 8990 Free version 3571 

Passwordstate is an on-premise web based solution for tracking both passwords for individuals, and Shared Password Lists for teams of…

StrongBox 2.0.354

StrongBox 2.0.354 Free version 3940 

StrongBox is an app with a singular purpose: to organize and secure any type of sensitive information you have, especially…

Waves Central

Waves Central Free version 4491 

Waves Central is the dedicated app that enables you to install and manage the licenses of the Waves software products.…

Nuendo 10.2.20

Nuendo 10.2.20  4073 

Nuendo 10 is another leap forward for a post-production audio platform which has been at the leading edge of the…

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