Search Result - midi

LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) 1.2.2

LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) 1.2.2 Free version 3904 

LMMS was designed like a cross-platform alternative to commercial programs like FL Studio, which allow you to produce music with…

MidiYodi 2020.2

MidiYodi 2020.2  3713 

MidiYodi is an application that allows editing, examination, playback and conversion of MIDI files. MidiYodi is available on all major…

Tremolator 5.3.2

Tremolator 5.3.2  3948 

Need tremolo? We’ve got you covered. Tremolator emulates the tremolo effect of classic hardware like the old Fender Vibrolux guitar…

Little AlterBoy 5.3.2

Little AlterBoy 5.3.2  18383 

Little AlterBoy is Soundtoys’ exciting new tool for dramatic voice alteration. Get a huge range of vocal transformations from one…

TablEdit 3.00

TablEdit 3.00  3409 

TablEdit can open/import ASCII, MIDI, ABC, MusicXML, Bucket O' Tab, TabRite, and Wayne Cripps files. Files can be saved in…

SynthFont1 1.743

SynthFont1 1.743 Free version 3373 

SyntFont1 comes with its own Pianoroll. In the homonymous tab, you find the necessary functions to visually build up an…


SynthFont  3521 

SynthFont is a program for playing midi files using SoundFonts. A midi file is different from - for instance -…

ipMIDI 1.9.1

ipMIDI 1.9.1  4453 

ipMIDI will allow you to route MIDI over your Ethernet network, using its ports to send and receive MIDI data…

Everyone Piano

Everyone Piano Free version 4227 

Everyone Piano is a computer keyboard simulating piano software, it can use the general computer keyboard to play the world…


OmniMIDI Free version 3380 

OmniMIDI allows you to import and edit lists, as well as import specific presets from SF2 files. It also provides…

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