Search Result - Component

.NET My Screen Capture 1.50

.NET My Screen Capture 1.50 Trial version 10787 

This .NET component let you easily capture screen in 6 ways (Full screen, Active window, predefined region, manual region, specific…

.Net bridge for VBA 1.0

.Net bridge for VBA 1.0 Free version 10972 

This tool enables you to use .NET Components in VBA and VB6 by converting them to regular Win32 DLLs.


FlyGrid.Net Trial version 10966 

Great things indeed come in small packages. FlyGrid.Net is a fast, lightweight and highly customizable .Net DataGrid/Tree control which completely…

Visual Basic 6 HelpVistaXPDiamond EE

Visual Basic 6 HelpVistaXPDiamond EE Trial version 9774 

HelpVistaXPDiamond provides Windows GUI software engineers with numerous activeX components that have been thoroughly designed and tested also are engineered…

DIFileFinder 6.0.1

DIFileFinder 6.0.1 Trial version 12310 

DIFileFinder is component collection for Borland / CodeGear Delphi to search the file system for files and or folders matching…


DefragManager Trial version 10759 

Defrag Manager ActiveX is a simple way to integrate in your software the function of defragmentation entire hard drives on…

abtoVNC Server for Windows SDK 1.4.2

abtoVNC Server for Windows SDK 1.4.2 Trial version 10494 

abtoVNC Server SDK provides integration of VNC facilities into your applications. VNC software based on the SDK operates easily with…

haXe 3.0.0

haXe 3.0.0 Free version 12471 

haXe was designed to be a high-level object-oriented programming language with the intention of helping programers develop Websites and Web…

Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013

Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 Trial version 23030 

The Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011 is a comprehensive set of software development tools that includes the following components:…

Softwarekv C Sharp examples 1.5

Softwarekv C Sharp examples 1.5 Trial version 10995 

Softwarekv collection of examples and applications for use with C# NET. Learn Visual C# by examples. Use the source code…

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