Search Result - Feb

east-tec SafeBit 2.1

east-tec SafeBit 2.1  3578 

east-tec SafeBit 2 is the perfect electronic vault you need for your privacy. It features military strength on-the-fly encryption, by…

jlGui 3.0

jlGui 3.0 Free version 4234 

jlGui is a graphical music player that supports JavaSound capabilities : WAV, AU, AIFF, SPEEX, MP3 thanks to our MP3SPI…

Wave Xtractor 4.2.700 B28 Feb

Wave Xtractor 4.2.700 B28 Feb  7604 

Wave Xtractor is a handy audio tool which lets you extract RAW sound data (.Wav) from popular File formats, within…

PianoRollComposer 2 Feb 2020

PianoRollComposer 2 Feb 2020 Free version 3557 

PianoRollComposer was designed to give you a different way to view and write MIDI music. PianoRollComposer uses the standard treble…

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