Search Result - hex

Pop-a-Color Value 1.12

Pop-a-Color Value 1.12 Free version 12736 

Pop-a-Color Value is a simple graphics tool that can be used to get color values when making skins for programs…

Comathi ColorWheel 1.0

Comathi ColorWheel 1.0 Free version 11402 

ColorWheel enabled you to generate colors using four variables (alpha, red, green, blue), and then gives you the correponding hexadecimal…

Backup BLOB from MySQL 5.5

Backup BLOB from MySQL 5.5 Trial version 11096 

Backup BLOB from MySQL is a powerful Windows software works for MySQL Backup Solution. It will help you to automatically…


Chk-Back Free version 14477 

TRC are pleased to announce the web release of a free data recovery utility ChkBack. Developed specifically to help Microsoft…

Effective File Search 6.8.1

Effective File Search 6.8.1 Free version 11094 

Effective File Search is a powerful replacement for the Windows Search tool. Search any files on your PC or LAN…

Directory Opus 10.5.2

Directory Opus 10.5.2 Trial version 11332 

Limted and frustrated by Windows Explorer for file management? This major new version 10 of the very popular Directory Opus…

Hackman Suite 9.20

Hackman Suite 9.20 Trial version 11819 

Hackman is an advanced hex editor, disassembler and template editor. Hackmane Hex Editor comes with a fully-featured editor, cryptography capabilities…

EF Commander 9.71

EF Commander 9.71 Trial version 12395 

File manager, easy to use, full customized (colors, fonts, columns, keys, icons, etc.), tabbed interface, fast FTP client, link to…

EF Find 7.50

EF Find 7.50 Trial version 10701 

EF Find is a powerful search program for Windows. Look for files, text, HEX sequences and regular expressions inside 7-Zip,…

010 Editor 4.0

010 Editor 4.0 Trial version 12168 

010 Editor is a professional text/hex editor designed to edit any file, drive, or process on your machine. Use our…

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