Search Result - morphing

WhiteCap 6.8.0

WhiteCap 6.8.0 Free version 3778 

WhiteCap is a real-time music visualization plug-in for media players and can also visualize auxiliary or "line-in" audio. WhiteCap features…

PolyKB 2.1.1

PolyKB 2.1.1  3532 

The PolyKB captures the sound and spirit of the legendary RSF PolyKobol Analog synthesizer, including one of its most stunning…

Cube 2.2

Cube 2.2  3530 

CUBE 2 is a musical instrument and the ultimate tool for sound designers who wish to have instant and intuitive…

AV MP3 Player Morpher 4.0.100

AV MP3 Player Morpher 4.0.100 Free version 4189 

AV MP3 Player Morpher Basic is all-in-one audio morphing studio for digital music and movie editing. It features most popular…

AV Music Morpher 5.0.58

AV Music Morpher 5.0.58  3802 

All-in-One Digital Music Studio for creative DJ and music remix. Ideal for changing voice, tempo, editing surround, stereo, treble, bass.…

Morph Man 2016

Morph Man 2016  4614 

Morph Man 2016 program is the smartest morph software for picture and video (movie) morphing for Windows. Morphing is a…

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