Search Result - Machine

WebCheck Parental Monitor

WebCheck Parental Monitor  3695 

Simple-to-use and easy-to-install on Windows machines, WebCheck Parental Monitor runs silently in the background, recording the keystrokes your kids make…

gpg4usb 0.3.3-2

gpg4usb 0.3.3-2 Free version 3817 

To say it straight in only one sentence: gpg4usb is a very easy to use portable-application, which combines a simple…

Kaka ExeLock 5.0

Kaka ExeLock 5.0 Free version 5312 

KaKa ExeLock is a useful tool, which allows you to password protect Windows executable programs. Features: 1.Support locking 32 or…

CCleaner Network Edition 2.11.1

CCleaner Network Edition 2.11.1  3360 

CCleaner Network Edition enables administrators to deploy CCleaner clients remotely to PCs on their networks, run CCleaner as necessary on…

Game Product Key Finder 1.2.9

Game Product Key Finder 1.2.9  4853 

Game Product Key Finder recovers product keys for thousands of popular games installed on your local or remote network computers.…


WebWatcher  3643 

WebWatcher is the best and most powerful monitoring software available because you can manage it from any machine and accomplish…

Personal Monitor 2014

Personal Monitor 2014  3783 

Perfect software for the monitoring of all user activities on PC at any given moment. Personal Monitor is the part…

DensityScout build 42

DensityScout build 42 Free version 3946 

This tool calculates density (like entropy) for files of a any file-system-path to finally output an accordingly descending ordered list.…

Do Not Track Plus

Do Not Track Plus Free version 3555 

DoNotTrackPlus is renowned for its outstanding technology and seamless integration into your web experience. DNT+ blocks 100s of trackers on…

Aloaha Credential Provider 3.9.303

Aloaha Credential Provider 3.9.303  3394 

Aloaha Credential Provider is a powerful application designed to transform the Windows Vista/7 logon screen, making it much easier to…

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