Search Result - Office

Cayo Policy Manager for Active Directory 1.0.1

Cayo Policy Manager for Active Directory 1.0.1 Free version 5713 

Cayo Policy Manager(tm) provides the missing layer of automated IT Policy and business rule enforcement for Active Directory (AD). Demanded…


SpamBully  4015 

Office 365, Outlook, Live Mail, Outlook Express Bayesian spam filter. Allow or block email addresses, IP's, words/phrases you choose. Block…

Total Defense Internet Security Suite Plus 2020

Total Defense Internet Security Suite Plus 2020  4534 

Total Defense Internet Security Suite Plus offers comprehensive business-grade security to home and home office PC users. This easy-to-use, all-in-one…

GSA Cleandrive 3.47

GSA Cleandrive 3.47  4185 

GSA Cleandrive helps you to get rid of most of the privacy violations you get each day. It removes any…

BigAnt Business Level Messenger 2.92

BigAnt Business Level Messenger 2.92  4017 

BigAnt Business Level Messenger for office communication. Instant messaging solution for online chat, collaborate on projects, knowledge sharing, tapping into…

Remote Surveillance Pro

Remote Surveillance Pro  4275 

Do remote surveillance on your webcam, desktop screen, and microphone. The program publishes a secure website you can connect to…

HomeGuard Professional 8.6.1

HomeGuard Professional 8.6.1  3535 

HomeGuard professional is an easy to use software with extensive monitoring and blocking features for tracking and controlling the use…

HomeGuard Professional 64 bit 8.6.1

HomeGuard Professional 64 bit 8.6.1  3520 

HomeGuard professional is an easy to use software with extensive monitoring and blocking features for tracking and controlling the use…

GSA AV Guard 3.3.3

GSA AV Guard 3.3.3  3935 

The GSA A/V Guard is a program designed to monitor a place by video or audio. It can be used…

Activity Monitor 10.5

Activity Monitor 10.5  4158 

This program is for real time monitoring of users activities on network computers and for employees' work time tracking. It…

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