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PrivaZer Portable 4.0.6

PrivaZer Portable 4.0.6 Free version 3546 

The app can get rid of useless files and other items that you might not want on the computer. It…

Desktop Patrol 2.1.2

Desktop Patrol 2.1.2 Free version 3395 

Desktop Patrol is a handy and simple application that allows you to restrict and block access to most of the…

BCWipe Total WipeOut 6.10.5

BCWipe Total WipeOut 6.10.5  3454 

Before disposing of or giving away a laptop, desktop, external hard drive or other removable media, you must be certain…

Cyber Control 2.1

Cyber Control 2.1  3665 

Take control of your cyber risk with Datplan's cyber control software Allowing companies to implement a robust cyber risk management…

USB WriteProtector 1.2

USB WriteProtector 1.2 Free version 3647 

USB WriteProtector enables or disables the write protection for all USB devices of the running system, e.g. USB sticks or…

Free File Shredder

Free File Shredder Free version 3466 

Safe365 File Shredder Wizard can permanently erase selected data from PCs, hard drives, RAIDs, Servers, USB drives, memory cards, digital…

ProtectStar Data Shredder PRO

ProtectStar Data Shredder PRO  4098 

Secure Erase: ProtectStar Data Shredder 5 Professional is a state-of-the-art and professional tool that has won numerous awards and that…

Terminator 8.1

Terminator 8.1  3863 

The Terminator system - to be more exact HSS (hardware-software system). Terminator consists of an external hardware controller (Terminator controller…

Remo Drive Wipe - Free Edition

Remo Drive Wipe - Free Edition Free version 5251 

Remo Drive Wipe free edition is a secure drive wiping utility, which lets you to erase your drive data permanently…


AccessPatrol  3663 

Access Patrol provides a comprehensive solution for securing company devices to minimize unauthorized access to proprietary information. Also provides an…

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