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Data Logger

Data Logger Trial version 11512 

Trustworthy data logger software for Windows operating system is absolutely talented to surveillance in secret manner and moreover sends tracked…


1AVShare Trial version 16066 

Publish your own secure website directly from your PC and remotely access your images, documents, videos, and music, or securely…

MASM Balancer 1.3 B9461

MASM Balancer 1.3 B9461 Free version 10759 

MASMBalancer helps you find out where your MASM Microsoft *.asm assembler program where you have mismatched segment/ends macro/endm proc/endp or…

Access Assistant 1.0

Access Assistant 1.0 Free version 11216 

If you distribute your software with a runtime version of Access or expecting the full version of Microsoft Access on…

Zend Studio 10.6.0

Zend Studio 10.6.0 Trial version 10398 

Zend Studio is the only Integrated Development Environment (IDE) available for professional developers providing the capabilities needed to develop business…

Flash Slideshow Maker 5.20

Flash Slideshow Maker 5.20 Trial version 13031 

Flash Slide Show Maker is a Flash album creator to make animated photo slide shows with SWF file as the…

Flash LogoWizard 1.1

Flash LogoWizard 1.1 Trial version 10522 

LogoWizard is the only software that allows you to create your own Flash website logos in minutes. Choose from over…

Opus Pro 9.03

Opus Pro 9.03 Trial version 13057 

Opus Pro is a quick, useful and cost effective application which provides fast track development of interactive applications at all…

Flash Slideshow DW Extension 1.0.2

Flash Slideshow DW Extension 1.0.2 Trial version 9853 

The Flash Slideshow is an extension that will transform your digital photo collection to share your memorable moments with your…

AnyChart Stock and Financial Flash Chart 1.1.0

AnyChart Stock and Financial Flash Chart 1.1.0 Trial version 10857 

AnyStock is a flexible Flash-based solution to create interactive and attractive stock and financial charts with large datasets support and…

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