Search Result - htm

Sencha Architect 3.0.3

Sencha Architect 3.0.3 Trial version 12966 

The ultimate HTML5 visual app builder, Sencha Architect empowers your team to design, develop, and deploy apps from a single,…

Programmer's IDE 2000 3.2

Programmer's IDE 2000 3.2 Trial version 11700 

Programmer's IDE 2000 is a small utility that creates an integrated development environment (IDE) for C/C++ and Assembly language programs…

NuSphere PhpED 10.0

NuSphere PhpED 10.0 Free version 11179 

PhpED is an IDE for PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML, JavaScript and other. Balanced combination of advanced code editor,…

JavaScript SiteSearch Generator

JavaScript SiteSearch Generator Trial version 9785 

JavaScript SiteSearch Generator is a powerful and reliable full-text search engine and generator for your on-line help systems,web sites, CD/DVD…

PHP Excel 1.7.7

PHP Excel 1.7.7 Free version 11848 

Project providing a set of classes for the PHP programming language, which allow you to write to and read from…

Altova MissionKit for Ent XML Developers 2012

Altova MissionKit for Ent XML Developers 2012 Trial version 10615 

The Altova MissionKit 2012 for Enterprise XML Developers is an integrated suite of XML development and data integration tools from…

Converter 5.5

Converter 5.5 Free version 9855 

Conversion teaching tool. Shows you how to convert any of the 17 basic Java types into any of the other.…

DB Elephant DBF Console 1.1

DB Elephant DBF Console 1.1 Free version 10144 

DB Elephant DBF Console is a handy tool for DBF database management and development. Make your data management like editing,…

Portable JavaScript SiteSearch Generator

Portable JavaScript SiteSearch Generator Trial version 9795 

Portable JavaScript SiteSearch Generator is a powerful and reliable full-text search engine and generator for your on-line help systems,web sites,…


MultiCode Free version 10847 

Editor for several programming languages. Syntax highlighting . Line numbering. Code proposals. Execute code immediately from the editor (additional software…

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