X360 Video Player ActiveX Control with Source Code helps application developers to fully control the audio and video stream. Play,…
X360 Video Player Lite ActiveX Control with Source Code helps application developers to fully control the audio and video stream.…
MASMBalancer helps you find out where your MASM Microsoft *.asm assembler program where you have mismatched segment/ends macro/endm proc/endp or…
PhpED is an IDE for PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML, JavaScript and other. Balanced combination of advanced code editor,…
Validates HTML, doing specialised checks on HTML syntax to make sure double and single quote enitities are balanced.
Top HD video converter for Windows 10/8.1/8/7 to give you ultimate control over incomparably stable, fast and high quality video…
With Midi2Wav Recorder you can convert MIDI files to Wav or MP3 using external soundfonts or your sound card synthesis.…
Winamp is more than just a player. It's your window to the multimedia world. From MP3s to streaming video, Winamp…
VolumeLock guarantee that volume settings of your PC will never be changed unexpectedly. By creating your own rules you can…
Voxengo Marvel GEQ x64 was designed to be a fast and easy 16-band digital graphic equalizer. It is a plugin…