Search Result - unique

Hypercyclic 1.5.544

Hypercyclic 1.5.544 Free version 3205 

Two tempo-synced LFOs can be used to modulate various parameters to create interesting rhythmic effects and chord variations. A unique…

MidiShaper 1.4

MidiShaper 1.4  3363 

Powered by Curve's unique modulations engine, MidiShaper brings Curve's flexible yet powerful LFOs and envelopes to all your favorite synthesizers…

Jampal 02.01.06

Jampal 02.01.06 Free version 3269 

Jampal offers some unique advantages over the other jukebox and mp3 player programs available. Jampal stores a music library of…

Crowd Chamber 2.02

Crowd Chamber 2.02  3482 

Crowd Chamber is an audio plug-in that layers multiple variations of a signal to create a crowd simulation.From simple chorusing…

FarStone VirtualDrive Pro 15.01

FarStone VirtualDrive Pro 15.01  3600 

VirtualDrive converts a CD/DVD into a virtual CD (VCD) file, which plays in any one of up to 23 emulated…

SIDizer 1.4

SIDizer 1.4  3603 

SIDizer is a state-of-art emulation of legendary SID chip in a form of a modern software synthesizer. Using circuit modeling…

Redline Preamp 1.0.1

Redline Preamp 1.0.1  3436 

Redline Preamp livens up any "too clean" signal with a customizable combination of even and odd harmonics, saturation, and soft…

Aspect 1.5.0

Aspect 1.5.0  3368 

Aspect is a 32-note polyphonic software instrument that combines a great-sounding, powerful synthesis engine, with a flexible semi-modular architecture and…

Free Alternative to PowerPoint 1.2.0

Free Alternative to PowerPoint 1.2.0 Free version 3411 

Then why not try Focusky? It is a free alternative to PowerPoint, providing you with plenty of powerful functions that…

Soft4Boost Video to Flash

Soft4Boost Video to Flash Free version 3661 

Soft4Boost Video to Flash is an easy-to-use video tool to make flash video (FLV) for your site or blog. Convert…

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