Search Result - Install

BitNami Moodle Stack 2.3.3-0

BitNami Moodle Stack 2.3.3-0 Free version 16628 

BitNami Moodle Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Moodle and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native…

BitNami Drupal Stack 7.18-0

BitNami Drupal Stack 7.18-0 Free version 14239 

BitNami Drupal Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Drupal and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native…

BitNami Magento Stack

BitNami Magento Stack Free version 13468 

BitNami Magento Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Magento and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native…


Glossword Free version 14607 

Glossword is a system to publish and create an online multilingual dictionary, encyclopedia or glossary. Glossword suits also for creating…

Store Manager for VirtueMart

Store Manager for VirtueMart Trial version 12967 

Store Manager for VirtueMart is a desktop application for quick and efficient VirtueMart store management. You can add, delete and…

Joomla 1.6.1

Joomla 1.6.1 Free version 14021 

Rebuilt from the ground up in much of the application using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, this latest Joomla release…

Spinning Earth 7.0

Spinning Earth 7.0 Free version 11471 

This is a free Flash animation of our spinning planet Earth, very small in file size, yet with excellent graphics.…

Store Manager for Magento

Store Manager for Magento Free version 13887 

Store Manager for Magento is a Windows application to quickly and effectively manage your Magento online store. You can add,…

FCKeditor 2.6.6

FCKeditor 2.6.6 Free version 27475 

Online text editor (DHTML editor), for ASP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion, PHP, Java and JavaScript brings to the web many of the…

Flash Clock 1.1.0

Flash Clock 1.1.0 Free version 32590 

Flash Clock Flash Clock is a great interactive flash digital and flash analog clock widget for your website or flash…

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