Search Result - Install

AdwCleaner 3

AdwCleaner 3 Free version 17364 

AdwCleaner is a removal tool for : Adware (ads softwares) PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program) Toolbars Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's…

Adobe AIR Beta

Adobe AIR Beta Free version 11556 

The new Adobe AIR runtime enables Ajax developers to build rich Internet applications (RIAs) that deploy on the desktop. AIR…

XML ValidatorBuddy 4.7

XML ValidatorBuddy 4.7 Trial version 10861 

Easy and convenient XML validation with XML ValidatorBuddy. With this tool you can start to check your XML files immediately…

Ampps 2.2

Ampps 2.2 Free version 18455 

AMPPS is a stack of Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl & Python. AMPPS enables you to focus more on using applications…

Nibbleblog 3.7.2

Nibbleblog 3.7.2 Free version 13665 

Powerful engine for creating blogs, all you need is PHP to work. Very simple to install and configure (only 1…

Redmine 2.3.3

Redmine 2.3.3 Free version 25279 

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.…

Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter

Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter Free version 12256 

Free HTML5 Video Player and Converter helps you create HTML5 videos to play them on your website or blog in…

Stivasoft Vacation Packages Listing 2.0

Stivasoft Vacation Packages Listing 2.0 Trial version 10399 

Vacation Packages Listing is an easy web solution for editing travel website content: add/edit/delete travel deals, flight details, booking terms…

Daphne 1.47

Daphne 1.47 Free version 11288 

Daphne is a small (system tray) application for killing, controlling and debuging window's processes. You can kill a process by…

Instant WordPress 4.3

Instant WordPress 4.3 Free version 96946 

The easiest and quickest way to install WordPress! Do you get frustrated testing your WordPress themes and plugins for each…

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