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Hot Copy Paste 7.1

Hot Copy Paste 7.1 Trial version 12175 

Enhance Windows Clipboard with multiple snippets, secure storage and full-text search. Hot Copy Paste works in every program supporting Windows…

Quick Multi-Copy 1.1

Quick Multi-Copy 1.1 Trial version 9833 

Quick Multi-Copy remembers last 10 items you have copied. You can paste them with the keys F1-F10, respectively. When running,…

Advanced Clipboard Lite

Advanced Clipboard Lite Free version 10236 

When you cut or copy information from a program, it is moved to the Clipboard and remains there until you…

File and Folder Watcher 3.9

File and Folder Watcher 3.9 Trial version 10336 

File and Folder Watcher continuously watches folders for new files matching a wildcard, and then triggers a custom action, such…

Batchrun 4.3

Batchrun 4.3 Free version 13706 

With Batchrun you can create a batch file using a graphical interface. For example, you can launch multiple Windows applications…

XUS Launcher Professional Edition 2.3

XUS Launcher Professional Edition 2.3 Trial version 10745 

No more clutter on your laptop/PC desktop! With XUS Launcher you can easily organize all your desktop shortcut icons. Finally…

Advanced Clipboard Lite

Advanced Clipboard Lite Free version 10027 

When you cut or copy information from a program, it is moved to the Clipboard and remains there until you…

WinPlusX 4.0

WinPlusX 4.0 Free version 11710 

Windows 8 has new Quick Access Menu (Win+X Menu) feature using which you can perform several tasks. WinPlusX will bring…

jDownloader 0.9.581

jDownloader 0.9.581 Free version 17433 

JDownloader is open source, platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like or…


EagleGet Free version 20095 

EagleGet is an application that assists users in downloading files in a fast and productive way. It splits items into…

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