Search Result - compile

Catalina Compiler 3.13

Catalina Compiler 3.13 Free version 10364 

The Catalina Compiler was designed as a C compiler that also contains a set of C libraries and device drivers…

Eclipse SDK x64 4.4 M5

Eclipse SDK x64 4.4 M5 Free version 10311 

Eclipse SDK is an open source platform-independent software framework for delivering what the project calls or is known as "rich-client…

Eclipse SDK 4.4 M5

Eclipse SDK 4.4 M5 Free version 11274 

Eclipse SDK is an open source platform-independent software framework for delivering what the project calls or is known as "rich-client…

ELENA Integrated Development Environment 1.9.12

ELENA Integrated Development Environment 1.9.12 Free version 9818 

ELENA treats any program as a set of objects (class instances). The program flow is a process of interaction between…

FreeBasic for Windows 0.90.1

FreeBasic for Windows 0.90.1 Free version 12642 

FreeBASIC is a free/open source (GPL), 32-bit BASIC compiler for Microsoft Windows and Linux. When used in its "QB" language…

Silicon Laboratories IDE 4.80

Silicon Laboratories IDE 4.80 Free version 16401 

The Silicon Labs Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a complete, stand-alone software program that includes a project manager, source editor,…

HTML Compiler 1.1

HTML Compiler 1.1 Trial version 11259 

With HTML Compiler and the power of web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.), you can create standalone executable applications for…

ScalaLabLight 211

ScalaLabLight 211 Free version 10027 

ScalaLabLight is development environment based on the Scala programming language that enables you to write scientific code. It intends to…

tIDE 2.59c

tIDE 2.59c Free version 11966 

Try tide, you'll be astonished by its simplicity and rapidity. No installation is required. A single click on the JNLP…

ACIDE 0.11 Alpha

ACIDE 0.11 Alpha Free version 9836 

The ACIDE application is specially designed to provide a cross-platform configurable Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This can be configured in…

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