Search Result - Compare

ComparatorPro 5.12

ComparatorPro 5.12 Trial version 10652 

ComparatorPro will compare files, folders and sub-folders (if desired) to quickly update backup set before you get down to some…

Synchronizer 8.11

Synchronizer 8.11 Trial version 10214 

Comparing and synchronizing directories, including sub-directories and files. It is particularly useful on mobile computers, when installing new software and…

AllSync 3.5.64

AllSync 3.5.64 Trial version 10490 

AllSync is the professional solution for your data synchronization, backup, imaging, update, replication and archiving needs. AllSync offers a number…

FreeCommander 2009.02

FreeCommander 2009.02 Free version 10680 

FreeCommander is an easy-to-use alternative to the standard windows file manager. The program helps you with daily work in Windows.…

tail for Windows 1.0

tail for Windows 1.0 Free version 10899 

tail for Windows is 100% FREE UNIX/Linux like tail DOS Command for Windows. It can be used to display last…

Meld 1.8.4

Meld 1.8.4 Free version 13888 

Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled…

Compare Suite Light 7.0

Compare Suite Light 7.0 Free version 14246 

Compare Suite Light can contrast files and folders. In order to contrast files you need to make sure they are…

SizeExplorer Pro 4.12

SizeExplorer Pro 4.12 Trial version 12494 

Powerful disk space usage analyzer. It provides you with a complete set of tools to help you manage your disk…

Allway sync n Go 14.1.3

Allway sync n Go 14.1.3 Free version 9833 

Allway Sync compares files in specified folders and copies the modified file to the counterpart folder, i.e., it synchronizes folders.…

Duplifinder-duplicates & junk remove

Duplifinder-duplicates & junk remove Trial version 9645 

Duplicate file finder and remover. Duplfinder is a powerful tool for finding duplicate images, photos, mp3 and any other file…

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