4Media HTML to EPUB Converter is used to convert HTML files to EPUB format eBooks which are convenient to read…
With Colour Spy you can easily pick the exact RGB colour value from the screen and place it on the…
Web Site Icons for Webmasters, Search Engine Optimizers, UI Designers, and Internet Marketing Professionals by Stat Centric Analytics. Icons can…
Reflow is a Java command line utility that will reflow a text file so that all lines are about 60…
Jar2Exe is a tool to wrap jar files into binary exe files for Windows, Linux and Mac. 1) It supports…
Shield UI Chart is feature rich and facilitates the creation of visually impressive charts and sharp graphics. The Chart control…
Jaxe is a Java XML editor. Features include: graphical document-oriented user interface (not just tree-like), customizable user interface for a…
Fast string search (indexOf) using the Boyer-Moore algorithm. Incorporate this class into your own Java programs to rapidly search strings.…
PURE CSS Menu Maker is a free and powerful graphical user interface for creating 100% pure CSS dropdown menus. CSS…
DocFlex/Javadoc is a tool for rapid development of Java API documentation generators in various formats. Actual doc-generators are created in…