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File Encoder Application 1.4

File Encoder Application 1.4 Free version 3584 

Application for encryption and decryption of files with symmetric key. Features: * Encryption based on a chaotic pseudo-random generator. *…

Vov Password Generator 1.5

Vov Password Generator 1.5 Free version 3890 

Quickly generate passwords for your accounts, using any character set you prefer, with this lightweight, minimalistic application. The widespread use…

Cryptosystem ME6 12.46

Cryptosystem ME6 12.46  3363 

Cryptosystem ME6 is a Windows program which uses a symmetric key encryption system to encrypt information in either a single…

SSuite Agnot StrongBox Security 2.0

SSuite Agnot StrongBox Security 2.0 Free version 3669 

You may use any one of nineteen, industrial and military strength, encryption ciphers to secure your most precious private information…

Free File Camouflage 1.25

Free File Camouflage 1.25 Free version 3505 

Free File Camouflage proves to be a useful piece of software, with good response time, minimal usage of CPU and…

Cryptnos 1.3.3

Cryptnos 1.3.3 Free version 3370 

Cryptnos combines a unique "site token" such as a website domain name with a master password and runs this data…

DICOM Anonymizer&Masker 1.11

DICOM Anonymizer&Masker 1.11  4362 

Query Product ID at email. DICOM Anonymizer&Maker can: -Anonymize any Data Element. -Anonymize annotations burned in image pixels and/or overlays.…

HashPass 5.2

HashPass 5.2 Free version 3603 

HashPass is a password generator that revolutionizes the way you use your passwords. Based on your individual and safely entered…

SmartPass 1.0

SmartPass 1.0 Free version 3964 

SmartPass is a free software utility designed to help you quickly and easily generate unique randomized passwords to use across… Search Engine Confuzer 1.00 Search Engine Confuzer 1.00  5367 

This program opens search engine websites automatically with fake and random search expressions you would never search for by your…

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