Search Result - Picasa

GoogleClean 3.7n

GoogleClean 3.7n Trial version 17423 

Google Desktop, Google Toolbar, Chrome, Picasa and Earth: Almost every Google application sends information back home. GoogleClean prevents Google applications…

Y.A. Photos Date Stamper 1.4.2

Y.A. Photos Date Stamper 1.4.2 Free version 13451 

Pictures help us capture and cherish significant events in our lives. But often, the date at which a picture has…

Thumbnail Zoom 1.4.1

Thumbnail Zoom 1.4.1 Free version 12261 

Thumbnail Zoom is a Firefox add-on designed to zoom thumbnails from Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Amazon, Flickr, Picasa, LinkedIn, Hi5, Twitpic,…

PS3 Media Server 1.90.1

PS3 Media Server 1.90.1 Free version 13767 

PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant Upnp Media Server for the PS3, written in Java, with the purpose of…

Picasa HD for Win8 UI

Picasa HD for Win8 UI Free version 12753 

Picasa HD is a user-friendly application especially created for those who want quick access to their Picasa albums.This little app…

Google Picasa

Google Picasa Free version 14209 

Picasa is free photo editing software from Google that makes your pictures look great. Sharing your best photos with friends…

Web Touch 1.0.0

Web Touch 1.0.0 Free version 12361 

Application named “WEB Touch” currently supports 3 popular online services to work with video or photos; you can navigate desired…

Google Books Downloader 2.3

Google Books Downloader 2.3 Free version 19878 

As opposed to the Picasa service which provides an access to photos, the Google Books service does not allow users…

Web Album Maker 3.0.0

Web Album Maker 3.0.0 Trial version 11850 

Web Album Maker is specially designed to create online jQuery web album or web photo gallery. It lets you easily…

Password Dump for Gmail 6.0

Password Dump for Gmail 6.0 Free version 3713 

Command-line based Network Password Recovery Tool

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