Search Result - uml

 Diagram Ring 6.3

Diagram Ring 6.3 Free version 16559 

Diagram Ring is an award-winning advanced diagram editor. It supports lots of diagram types like Flowcharts, Class Diagrams, DFDs, ERDs,…

Boost Effect 1.0

Boost Effect 1.0 Trial version 12201 

Boost Effect VST is revolutionary plugin that enriches sound with creation of new harmonics using algorythm based on unique new…

NetBeans IDE 7.4

NetBeans IDE 7.4 Free version 29081 

NetBeans IDE is much more than a Java IDE: We designed NetBeans IDE as a modular developer tool for a…

Altova MissionKit Enterprise Edition 2014sp1

Altova MissionKit Enterprise Edition 2014sp1 Trial version 13409 

Altova MissionKit 2014 Enterprise Edition is a software development suite of industrial-strength XML, SQL, and UML tools for information architects…

ArgoUML 0.34

ArgoUML 0.34 Free version 26033 

ArgoUML is the leading open source UML modeling tool and includes support for all standard UML diagrams. It runs on…

TrayStatus 1.2.3

TrayStatus 1.2.3 Free version 13411 

Do you have a notebook or keyboard without a NumLock or CapsLock indicator light? Do you have a computer without…

Num Lock Indicator 1.5

Num Lock Indicator 1.5 Trial version 10805 

Num Lock Indicator software offers two Num Lock state indicators: Tray Icon and On-Screen Floating Text. Notifications by sound are…

SLPSoft Software System Design and Modeling 2013.2

SLPSoft Software System Design and Modeling 2013.2 Trial version 11976 

Enable developers and system engineers to model a software to be viewed as a system before starting coding

MaintainJ 3.2

MaintainJ 3.2 Trial version 13289 

MaintainJ, an Eclipse plug-in, generates runtime UML sequence and class diagrams for a given use case, helping the users to…

WhiteStarUML Portable Beta

WhiteStarUML Portable Beta Free version 16130 

WhiteStarUML is actually a fork of StarUML that's been designed to revive its Delphi code base. This is done by…

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