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ReddHub for Windows 8

ReddHub for Windows 8 Free version 20487 

Love funny pictures? What about cute animals? Or interesting Topics? ReddHub is your go to source! ReddHub is the next…

Instagram for Chrome

Instagram for Chrome Free version 20285 

Instagram for Chrome Hands down, the best Instagram Extension for Chrome. Browse your feed and friends, like and comment and…

ratDVD 0.78.1444

ratDVD 0.78.1444 Free version 23847 

Downloading movies, even DVD rips never really works out as planned. RatDVD helps. RatDVD allows you to keep the full…

Better Facebook - Google Chrome 5.5

Better Facebook - Google Chrome 5.5 Free version 15853 

Social Fixer (formerly Better Facebook) is an extension that greatly enhances your Facebook experience and makes the site easier to…

Better Facebook - Mozilla Firefox

Better Facebook - Mozilla Firefox Free version 16828 

Social Fixer (formerly Better Facebook) is an extension that greatly enhances your Facebook experience and makes the site easier to…

IZArc 4.1.8

IZArc 4.1.8 Free version 18843 

IZArc is a freeware archive utility supporting many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2,…


TUGZip Free version 17719 

TUGZip is a powerful award-winning freeware archiving utility for Windows® that provides support for a wide range of compressed, encoded…

WinAce 2.69

WinAce 2.69 Trial version 18964 

WinAce is not just another archiving shell. With it's own powerful compression format ACE and built-in support for other popular…

Security Task Manager

Security Task Manager Trial version 14625 

Security Task Manager is an enhanced process viewer, that provides detailed information about programs and processes running on the computer.…

 Magic Photo Editor 6.81

Magic Photo Editor 6.81 Trial version 19216 

Magic Photo is a photo editor With Magic Photo, you can easily blend your digital photo onto another image (a…

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