Search Result - assembler

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine Free version 24414 

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying single player games running under window so…

Cheat Engine 6.3

Cheat Engine 6.3 Free version 201768 

Cheat Engine is an open source tool designed to help you with modifying games so you can make them harder…

Guardiano Assembler 12.26

Guardiano Assembler 12.26 Free version 12036 

Guardiano Assembler - The malware uninstaller - for ReactOS, Windows 7 , Vista , XP,2000, include Rootkit-Detection Module, AntiSpyware Module,…

Hackman Suite 9.20

Hackman Suite 9.20 Trial version 11884 

Hackman is an advanced hex editor, disassembler and template editor. Hackmane Hex Editor comes with a fully-featured editor, cryptography capabilities…

Spices.Net Decompiler

Spices.Net Decompiler Trial version 14561 

.NET Decompiler - .Net assembly decompiler that recovers source code from crashes and convert executables to C#, Vb.Net, J#, Delphi.Net…

Easy Code for MASM

Easy Code for MASM Free version 11013 

Easy Code for MASM is the visual assembly programming environment made to build 32-bit Windows applications. The interface for Easy…


Turbo51 Free version 10506 

Turbo51 is a free Pascal compiler for the 8051 family of microcontrollers. It features a fast single pass optimizing compiler,…

NASM 2.10.07

NASM 2.10.07 Free version 14735 

The Netwide Assembler, NASM, is an 80x86 and x86-64 assembler designed for portability and modularity. It supports a range of…

MiniBASIC 1.23

MiniBASIC 1.23 Trial version 10742 

MiniBASIC is a powerful compiler featuring an integrated development environment with advanced compiler, assembler and linker. With the help of…

Fresh IDE portable 2.1.4

Fresh IDE portable 2.1.4 Free version 11071 

Fresh IDE simplifies the process of developing applications that are small in size, but as effective as would be if…

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