Search Result - learn

Desktop Ticker

Desktop Ticker Free version 18802 

Desktop Ticker is a free RSS and Atom web feed aggregator application that allows you to keep an eye on…

PageBreeze Free HTML Editor 5.0.02

PageBreeze Free HTML Editor 5.0.02 Free version 11908 

PageBreeze is a powerful FREE HTML Editor which has both visual (WYSIWYG) and HTML tag modes. Version 5.0 is a…

JCreator LE 5.00.17

JCreator LE 5.00.17 Free version 13943 

JCreator is a powerful IDE for Java JCreator is the development tool for every programmer that likes to do what…

oXygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger 15.1

oXygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger 15.1 Trial version 12402 

Oxygen is an XML Editor, XSLT/XQuery Debugger and Profiler with full Unicode support. It supports visual XML editing driven by…

MAGIX Website Maker 3

MAGIX Website Maker 3 Free version 15759 

MAGIX Website Maker makes it possible for every beginner without previous knowledge or introductory times to create and publish professional…

BitNami Moodle Stack 2.3.3-0

BitNami Moodle Stack 2.3.3-0 Free version 16552 

BitNami Moodle Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Moodle and its required dependencies. It can be deployed using a native…

Active4D 6.1r2

Active4D 6.1r2 Trial version 15002 

You need to build a 4D-based web site. You want the best, most flexible, most productive and most cost-effective tool…

Pop-a-Color Value 1.12

Pop-a-Color Value 1.12 Free version 12736 

Pop-a-Color Value is a simple graphics tool that can be used to get color values when making skins for programs…

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary for Win8 UI

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary for Win8 UI Trial version 12646 

Improve your English language skills with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Understand what words mean. Learn how to say them.…

Piano Time 5

Piano Time 5 Free version 20071 

Piano Time is a multitouch piano comprised of 36 visible keys and 4 selectable octaves. With a configurable metronome, users…

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