Search Result - merge

CompareEnter 1.2

CompareEnter 1.2 Free version 11422 

Using CompareEnter, you can compare files loaded in Visual Studio and the containing folders by using Compare++. Besides, you can…


PDF-Writer.NET Trial version 10747 

PDF-Writer.NET component is designed to provide developers with an easy-to-use tool for Creating, Editing, Merge, Split, Fill Forms, Encryption, Digitial…


PDF-XChange PRO SDK Trial version 10705 

All a developer needs to View, Print, create and manipulate Adobe PDF files from virtually any Windows software. Includes PDF…

PDF Xpansion SDK 7

PDF Xpansion SDK 7 Trial version 10257 

PDF Xpansion SDK - the kernel library of PDF Xpansion technology. It provides for your own applications an ability to…

AccdbMerge 0.3.2

AccdbMerge 0.3.2 Free version 13557 

AccdbMerge is easy to use diff & merge tool for Microsoft Access *.mdb and *.accdb files. This tool allows to…

Altova MissionKit for Ent XML Developers 2012

Altova MissionKit for Ent XML Developers 2012 Trial version 10562 

The Altova MissionKit 2012 for Enterprise XML Developers is an integrated suite of XML development and data integration tools from…

Altova MissionKit for Software Architect 2012

Altova MissionKit for Software Architect 2012 Trial version 10296 

The Altova MissionKit 2012 for Enterprise Software Architects is an integrated suite of XML, database, and UML tools from the…

csImageFile 8.0

csImageFile 8.0 Trial version 13381 

ASP image resize component with wide range of functions. Supports JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, PSD, TIF and PCX and exports…

SWF to MP3 Converter

SWF to MP3 Converter Trial version 12119 

SWF to MP3 Converter is a SWF audio converter. It converts audio in SWF file (Adobe Flash Movie File) to…

SortedArrayList 1.3

SortedArrayList 1.3 Free version 12234 

SortedArrayList is an ArrayList that remembers how it is sorted, so that if you ask it to sort, it can…

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