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Encoding Decoding Free 3.5.1

Encoding Decoding Free 3.5.1 Free version 3779 

The program is completely free, easy, fast and powerful. It is the best way to encode and decode any type…

PDF No Copy for Desktop 1.0

PDF No Copy for Desktop 1.0 Free version 3654 

PDF No-Copy for Desktop is simple, easy and free program that helps you, the user, to add DRM (Digital Rights…

Image Vault 1.01

Image Vault 1.01 Free version 3400 

Image Vault is the ideal and easy to use solution to keeping your images and pictures private and away from…

BCWipe Total WipeOut 6.10.5

BCWipe Total WipeOut 6.10.5  3402 

Before disposing of or giving away a laptop, desktop, external hard drive or other removable media, you must be certain…

PREDATOR Professional

PREDATOR Professional  3618 

PREDATOR Professional locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It uses a…

FastAccess Pro 5.0.90 SR

FastAccess Pro 5.0.90 SR  3468 

FastAccess recognizes and tracks your face continuously to securely & automatically enter website passwords and dramatically reduce logging in with…

Smart PC Locker Pro 3.1

Smart PC Locker Pro 3.1 Free version 4489 

Smart PC Locker is a lightweight and powerful application designed to lock your computer and all its functions so that…

Ardamax Keylogger 4.8

Ardamax Keylogger 4.8  3752 

Ardamax Keylogger is a small, easy-to-use keylogger that captures user activity and saves it to a logfile. The logfile can…

PREDATOR Professional x64

PREDATOR Professional x64  3373 

PREDATOR Professional x64 locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It uses…

MyUSBOnly 9.7

MyUSBOnly 9.7  5322 

Lock the Bad Guys out of your USB ports with MyUSBOnly; Block Untrusted USB Memory Stick Activity in Office. Prevent…

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