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APE2ALAC 2.0.1

APE2ALAC 2.0.1 Free version 3083 

APE2ALAC enables you convert APE to ALAC. Apple Lossless, also know as Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC), an audio format…

AAC2OGG 2.0.1

AAC2OGG 2.0.1 Free version 5062 

AAC2OGG enables you convert AAC to OGG Audio. OGG is designed to provide for efficient streaming and manipulation of high…

CD2FLAC 1.0.3

CD2FLAC 1.0.3 Free version 3354 

CD2FLAC enables retrieve audio tracks from CDROM drives which are capable of reading audio data digitally via SCSI (CDDA) and…

Free Audio CD to MP3 Converter

Free Audio CD to MP3 Converter Free version 3587 

Copy audio CDs into digital music with Free Audio CD to MP3 Converter and save it as MP3, AAC, OGG,…

DVDneXtCOPY Ultimate

DVDneXtCOPY Ultimate  3189 

DVD neXt COPY Ultimate combines the highest possible quality and speed to produce perfect copies of all your favourite DVD…


DVDneXtCOPY SimpleX  3169 

A great solution for simple DVD copying and requires just a few mouse clicks to copy a DVD movie. This…

DVD neXt COPY MobleX

DVD neXt COPY MobleX  3374 

Is designed specifically for those users that want a quick and easy way to copy their DVD movies to "mobile"…

DVD2x264 1.6.422

DVD2x264 1.6.422 Free version 3472 

DVD2x264 is an easy to use and reliable application that provides you with a simple DVD ripper that can convert…

ESFsoft Audio Converter 1.0

ESFsoft Audio Converter 1.0 Free version 3047 

Adopting top-of-the-line codecs, ESFsoft Audio Converter is specially designed for converting audio and video files to different audio formats, such…

Nero Recode 12.5

Nero Recode 12.5  3887 

Nero Recode does a great job at compressing DVD files that are too large to fit on a DVD disc.…

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