Search Result - encrypted

abylon SHAREDDRIVE 11.00.2

abylon SHAREDDRIVE 11.00.2 Trial version 15800 

The encrypted file clipboard abylon SHAREDDRIVE is shown in the File Explorer on the desktop level and protect your secret…

Digital Document Encryptor 2011

Digital Document Encryptor 2011 Trial version 13825 

Digital Document Encryptor is a certified and awarded software product suitable for both the enterprise and private user. Encrypt sensitive…

Encrypt My Information 10.0

Encrypt My Information 10.0 Trial version 16357 

Encrypt My Information allows you to hide folders and encrypt files with on-the-fly AES encryption. Just create one or more…

Dekart Private Disk 2.12

Dekart Private Disk 2.12 Trial version 19417 

Powerful, reliable and flexible disk encryption program. Hide your programs and data, and exclusively restrict access to them. Private Disk…

Video Shield - Embed decoder and player 10.0

Video Shield - Embed decoder and player 10.0 Trial version 21927 

Encrypt your video files with embedding decoder and player , User needn't install any decoder or player to play your…

abylon CRYPT in the BOX 2014

abylon CRYPT in the BOX 2014 Free version 19949 

The file-safe automatically encrypts all files in the CRYPT-folder without entering the password every time. The the one-time entry of…

abylon READER 11.00.2

abylon READER 11.00.2 Free version 22758 

The encrypting with the software of abylonsoft is not an one-way. The free READER-Version verify, decrypt and unpack SME files.…

CryptSync 64-bit

CryptSync 64-bit Free version 20925 

CryptSync x64 is a small utility that synchronizes two folders while encrypting the contents in one folder. That means one…

PDF Unlock Software

PDF Unlock Software Trial version 21293 

PDF unlock software can encrypt decrypt add remove restrict unrestrict Adobe Acrobat user owner password protection and document restriction like…

PHTML Encoder 6.4

PHTML Encoder 6.4 Trial version 45483 

The PHTML Encoder allows encoding PHP scripts before distributing them. The script code is encrypted before saving. Because PHTML Encoder…

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