Search Result - learn

FanFictionDownloader 0.8.0

FanFictionDownloader 0.8.0 Free version 14677 

FanFictionDownloader is a small and very easy to use application that will help you find and download fanfiction eBooks from…

Windows Process Viewer 1.1

Windows Process Viewer 1.1 Free version 10016 

This Windows process viewer shows you detailed Windows process description as well as users opinions from the File userforum. Thus…

Smart Turn Off COMputer 3.7.0

Smart Turn Off COMputer 3.7.0 Trial version 12056 

Smart Turn Off Inc. has released Smart Turn Off COMputer v. 3.7.0, a powerful Windows control program that brings a…

Programming Visual Basic.NET Book

Programming Visual Basic.NET Book Trial version 10970 

Published just in time for the first release of Visual Basic Studio .NET, Programming Visual Basic .NET is a programmer's…

Visual Basic 6 ActiveX ListView Source

Visual Basic 6 ActiveX ListView Source Trial version 12772 

Develop and Deliver Enterprise-Critical Desktop and Web Applications with VB.NET *Step-by-Step Instructions for Installing and Configuring Visual Basic .NET and…

Advanced Visual Basic 6 Book

Advanced Visual Basic 6 Book Trial version 11122 

What Is Covered in This Book? This book covers a wide range of Visual Basic topics. Here's a brief sample…

Foxit Reader SDK ActiveX

Foxit Reader SDK ActiveX Free version 10903 

The Foxit PDF SDK ActiveX is ideal for product managers and developers looking to integrate PDF technology into applications who…

Comm32 Communications OCX 3.2y

Comm32 Communications OCX 3.2y Trial version 10016 

Use the Comm32 ocx to quickly add Serial Communications capabilities to your applications. Comm32 is compatible with MSComm in that…

Examples7 collection of Visual Basic .NET examples 1.5

Examples7 collection of Visual Basic .NET examples 1.5 Trial version 11092 

Examples7 collection of examples and applications for use with VB .NET. Learn Visual Basic by examples. Use the source code…

Softwarekv C Sharp examples 1.5

Softwarekv C Sharp examples 1.5 Trial version 10960 

Softwarekv collection of examples and applications for use with C# NET. Learn Visual C# by examples. Use the source code…

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