Search and replace tool with full Unicode support. Increase your productivity and save many hours of manual editing. Preview replacements…
ZetaWord is a text and RTF document editor for Windows. It supports cut and paste, find and replace, word count,…
Text Accelerator allow you to transform text or insert text chunks in any applications with 1-2 hotkeys. Write your own…
Clipboard Magic is a Windows clipboard enhancement utility. Any text copied to the Windows clipboard is automatically archived in Clipboard…
Popular Clipboard Extender Holds Thousands of Clips, remembers clips for days, months, or even YEARS! New version adds places itself…
YouTube5 has become far more popular than I ever imagined it would! I’d like to say a general thank you…
Text expansion utility. Type as few as two characters and ShortKeys will insert words, sentences, paragraphs or pages of text…
Start Menu X is a replacement of the system menu for professionals. Power users are a lot more demanding, and…
SE-TrayMenu is the first application launcher with Windows 8 support. It's great replacement of Start menu for Metro Interface in…