Search Result - intel

PhpStorm 8 B136.1255 EAP

PhpStorm 8 B136.1255 EAP Trial version 13321 

PhpStorm is a PHP Editor focused on developer productivity that deeply understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation…

Find it EZ Source Code Analysis 4.1.2

Find it EZ Source Code Analysis 4.1.2 Trial version 11716 

Find it EZ Source Code Analysis, the most comprehensive search tool proven to reduce impact analysis time by over 40%…

PMD 5.1.0

PMD 5.1.0 Free version 12695 

PMD is a small and fast application that was designed to scan Java source code and look for potential problems.…

MIE Exchange B2B Portal Software 2

MIE Exchange B2B Portal Software 2 Free version 12245 

MIE Exchange by MIE Solutions is an advanced system that intelligently connects buyers with suppliers, providing the custom manufacturing industry…

Human Intelligence Identification Script 1

Human Intelligence Identification Script 1 Free version 10466 

The Human Intelligence Identification Script is designed to prevent web forms being submitted by automated robot scripts. Automated robot scripts…

Arachnophilia 5.5.2837

Arachnophilia 5.5.2837 Free version 12941 

It supports up to 6 Web browsers, switches between them in a flash. Arachnophilia offers development of HTML, frames, CGI,…

LEDataStream 1.8

LEDataStream 1.8 Free version 12648 

Little-endian replacements for DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile. They work just like DataInputStream, DataOutputStream and RandomAccessFile except they work with little-endian…

JDisplay 4.5

JDisplay 4.5 Free version 12651 

JDisplay displays Java, HTML, bat, SQL, ini, csv, xml, mftl properties... files a variety of colours, fonts, sizes and weights…

Pentium 1.6

Pentium 1.6 Free version 14662 

Pentium works on Windows and Intel Pentium class and AMD CPUs to determine the CPUID information such as the vendor,…

Web Site Publisher 2.3.0

Web Site Publisher 2.3.0 Free version 12969 

Web Site Publisher is a free intelligent FTP tool designed specifically to make publishing and updating a web site as…

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