Search Result - Internet

AOL 9.7

AOL 9.7 Free version 592987 

AOL Desktop 9.7 is fully compatible with Windows 8 and Internet Explorer 10. Outdated links within the Toolbar and Menu…


MyPublicWiFi Free version 15655 

MyPublicWiFi: Turn your computer into a WiFi Access Point with Firewall and URL Tracking MyPublicWiFi is an easy-to-use software that…

Adblock Plus - Firefox

Adblock Plus - Firefox Free version 20781 

Annoyed by adverts? Troubled by tracking? Bothered by banners? Install Adblock Plus now to regain control of the internet and…

Flagfox - Firefox

Flagfox - Firefox Free version 18972 

Flagfox Flagfox is an extension that displays a flag icon indicating the current webserver's physical location. Knowing where you're connected…

BetterPrivacy - Firefox

BetterPrivacy - Firefox Free version 24456 

BetterPrivacy Better Privacy serves to protect against special longterm cookies, a new generation of 'Super-Cookie', which silently conquered the Internet.…

Adobe Shockwave Player

Adobe Shockwave Player Free version 35188 

Adobe Shockwave Player Over 450 million Internet-enabled desktops have Adobe Shockwave Player installed. These users have access to some of…

Adblock IE

Adblock IE Trial version 25913 

Adblock IE™ - Now available for Internet Explorer Adblock IE™ is a new adblock add-on for Microsoft Internet Explorer. Designed…

Magic Actions for YouTube - Chrome

Magic Actions for YouTube - Chrome Free version 23278 

Magic Actions for YouTube A super new look and features for YouTube! Sexy Backlight, AutoHD, Mouse Wheel Volume Control, Auto…

ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall 2013

ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall 2013 Free version 16801 

ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall 2013 The ultimate free Internet security solution Layered security with a single, easy-to-use interface Lighter,…

Norton AntiVirus

Norton AntiVirus Trial version 16536 

Norton™ AntiVirus 2013 Basic antivirus protection that stops viruses and spyware, so you can safely go online and share. Five…

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