Search Result - Swing

JDiagram 4.0.4

JDiagram 4.0.4 Trial version 11652 

JDiagram is a Java component providing applications with the ability to create and present various kinds of flow diagrams such…

TeeChart for Java 2013

TeeChart for Java 2013 Trial version 11800 

Java Charting component Library offers 56 Chart styles, 38 mathematical functions and full set of Chart tools components for additional…

File Encoder Application 1.4

File Encoder Application 1.4 Free version 3584 

Application for encryption and decryption of files with symmetric key. Features: * Encryption based on a chaotic pseudo-random generator. *…

Textcrypt 1.5

Textcrypt 1.5 Free version 3779 

Text Encryption Application. Features: * Multi-platform. * Java-8. * New find and replace functions. * New undo and redo functions.…

Pitchwheel x64 5.03

Pitchwheel x64 5.03  3627 

Pitchwheel x64 was designed to be a VST plug-in that will change the pitch of a sound without changing it's…

Pitchwheel 4.32

Pitchwheel 4.32  5227 

Pitchwheel was designed to be a VST plug-in that will change the pitch of a sound without changing it's length.…

jMP3 Tag Editor 1.2.3

jMP3 Tag Editor 1.2.3 Free version 3718 

A java application with a Swing GUI that allows to extract ID3v1 and ID3v2 mp3 tags from the filename of…

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