Search Result - deleted

GoogleClean 3.7n

GoogleClean 3.7n Trial version 17432 

Google Desktop, Google Toolbar, Chrome, Picasa and Earth: Almost every Google application sends information back home. GoogleClean prevents Google applications…

Evidence-Blaster 2010

Evidence-Blaster 2010 Trial version 13811 

Evidence-Blaster completely cleans your history, ensuring your computer and Internet use cannot be discovered by anyone EVER. Protect Identity Theft…

TrustPort Antivirus USB Edition 2014

TrustPort Antivirus USB Edition 2014  Trial version 13656 

The mobile solution for the secure transmission of data on interchangeable memory media for example flash disks or memory cards.…

TrustPort Antivirus 2014

TrustPort Antivirus 2014 Trial version 12341 

The ideal basic protection from all types of spyware and viruses for your personal computer. The antivirus is regularly automatically…

Nero 2014 Platinum 15.0.03500

Nero 2014 Platinum 15.0.03500 Free version 15661 

Nero 2014 Platinum. Ultimate standard to manage, create, convert, play and burn movies, music, and photos for the best entertainment…

Cam Wizard 10.15

Cam Wizard 10.15 Free version 17753 

Cam Wizard for Windows is compatible with all networked IP cameras and USB webcams, the application helps you find your…

Google Chrome Backup

Google Chrome Backup Free version 15068 

Google Chrome (web browser) has just hit the world. Google Chrome backup is a small tool to backup and restore…

Firecookie 1.2.1

Firecookie 1.2.1 Free version 14021 

Firecookie is a an extension for Firebug that makes possible to view and manage cookies in your browser. Apart from…

BetterPrivacy 1.68

BetterPrivacy 1.68 Free version 14128 

Better Privacy serves to protect against undeletable longterm cookies, a new generation of 'Super-Cookie', which silently conquered the internet. This…

Top 10 Free Tools for IT Professionals 1.0.0

Top 10 Free Tools for IT Professionals 1.0.0 Free version 12649 

NetWrix award-winning freeware tools for IT infrastructure change auditing, security and identity management can save you a lot of time…

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